July 2024, R1

This document provides additional information about Claris Connect. For further information, see the Claris Help Center or visit the support resources on our website.

Addressed issues


Fixed an issue causing the Download file action to return an error.

Claris FileMaker Server and Claris FileMaker Server On-Premise

Added and improved error messages when attempting to connect to a FileMaker app.

Google Drive

Fixed an issue causing the Download non-Google file action to return an error.


Fixed an issue causing an empty error message to appear in the sign in dialog when credentials were invalid.

Custom connectors

Fixed an issue preventing the Sign In dialog on the Debugger page from appearing when authenticating with OAuth2.

User interface

APIs, technologies, or features to be deprecated

As Claris Connect evolves, the list of supported technologies, APIs, and features will change. As part of this evolution, certain connectors, actions, and features may be deprecated in favor of newer ones. Although deprecation does not mean the immediate removal of an item, you should migrate your flows away from deprecated technologies because these technologies may be removed in a future version of the product.

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