Filter databases setting

To filter the list of databases shown in FileMaker client applications:

  1. Click the Configuration > FileMaker Clients tab.

  2. Set Filter databases in Client Application to Enabled or Disabled.

    When enabled, only databases a user has access to using their FileMaker account will be visible to them in the lists of available databases. Filtering databases allows you to conveniently hide databases users won't need, and also allows you to keep databases hidden from bad actors who would attempt to break security. The database lists appear in:

    • FileMaker Pro Hosts dialog box

    • FileMaker Go Launch Center

    • FileMaker WebDirect Launch Center

    • FileMaker Data API Database Names endpoint

    The Filter Database in Client Applications option is enabled by default. Disabling this option might expose your database list to unauthorized third parties.

    The FileMaker Data API Database Names endpoint now requires authentication credentials when the following items are both enabled:

    • The Filter Database in Client Applications option

    • The DenyGuestAndAutoLogin flag, which can be enabled by entering the following command to a Command Line Interface: fmsadmin set serverprefs DenyGuestAndAutoLogin=true