Go to Record/Request/Page
Moves to a record or a report page, or displays a find request.
See also
- First moves to the first record in the file or found set (Browse mode), displays the first find request (Find mode), or moves to the first page in a report (Preview mode).
- Last moves to the last record in the file or found set, displays the last find request, or moves to the last page in a report.
- Previous moves to the previous record in the file or found set, displays the previous find request, or moves to the previous page in a report.
- Next moves to the next record in the file or found set, displays the next find request, or moves to the next page in a report.
- Exit after last exits the script when it reaches the last record in the found set if Next or Previous is selected. You can use Exit after last within a loop to exit the loop after the last record.
- By Calculation specifies a calculation to determine the desired record number, find request number, or page number. Set With dialog to On to display the number in a dialog box for confirmation.
Product | Supported |
FileMaker Pro | Yes |
FileMaker Go | Yes |
FileMaker WebDirect | Yes |
FileMaker Server | Partial |
FileMaker Cloud | Partial |
FileMaker Data API | Partial |
Custom Web Publishing | Partial |
Originated in version
6.0 or earlier
In Browse mode, this script step moves to a record; in Find mode it displays a find request, and in Preview mode it moves to a report page.
Server-side scripts and Customer Web Publishing do not support the By Calculation option.
Example 1
Performs a find, sorts the records, and goes to the first record.
Perform Find [Restore]
Sort Records [Restore; With dialog: Off]
Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
Example 2
Goes to the record number the user enters in the custom dialog box.
Show Custom Dialog ["Enter the record number you want to view."; Invoices::Record Number]
Go to Record/Request/Page [With dialog: Off ; Invoices::Record Number]
Show All Records
Example 3
Loops through records to export files that are in the Container field. Exits the loop if a record has an empty container field.
Set Variable [$PATH; Value: Get ( DocumentsPath ) & Products::Container]
Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
Loop [ Flush: Always ]
Exit Loop If [IsEmpty ( Products::Container )]
Export Field Contents [Products::Container; "$PATH" ; Create folders: Off]
Go to Record/Request/Page [Next ; Exit after last: On]
End Loop