Arrange All Windows
Adjusts the size and location of all open windows.
- Tile Horizontally positions open windows in a left/right orientation. Windows are resized to prevent overlapping.
- Tile Vertically positions open windows in a top/bottom orientation. Windows are resized to prevent overlapping.
- Cascade Window positions windows in an overlapping pattern, beginning in the top-left corner of the screen. Windows are resized to fill the screen, less any offset.
- Bring All to Front moves all open FileMaker Pro windows to the front. Windows are not resized.
Product | Supported |
FileMaker Pro | Yes |
FileMaker Go | No |
FileMaker WebDirect | No |
FileMaker Server | No |
FileMaker Cloud | No |
FileMaker Data API | No |
Custom Web Publishing | No |
Originated in version
6.0 or earlier
The size and location of the open windows are the only things that change; current table, active window, and active record are not affected by this script step.
Example 1
Opens a new window, goes to the Invoices layout, and arranges all FileMaker Pro windows in an overlapping pattern.
New Window [Style: Document; Name: "Invoice List"; Using layout: "Invoices" (Invoices)]
Arrange All Windows [Cascade Window]
Example 2
Opens two windows and arranges them from top to bottom.
New Window [Style: Document; Name: "Invoice List"; Using layout: "Invoices" (Invoices)]
New Window [Style: Document; Name: "Customer List"; Using layout: "Customers" (Customers)]
Arrange All Windows [Tile Vertically]