Working with the layout tools
For each type of object you work with in Layout mode, you use the layout tools in the status toolbar.
Layout tools
Selection tool
Text tool
Line tool
Rectangle tool
Rounded Rectangle tool
Oval tool
Field/Control tool
Button tool
Popover Button tool
Tab Control tool
Slidel Control tool
Portal tool
Chart tool
Web Viewer tool
Field tool
Part tool
Format Painter tool button
As you are designing a layout, you can work with a tool once, use it repeatedly, or switch between the tool last used and the Selection tool.
To work with layout tools in the status toolbar:
Note  You can specify a preference to keep layout tools locked. See Setting layout preferences.
Related topics 
Inserting the date, page number, or other variable onto a layout
Inserting graphics onto a layout
Using buttons with scripts
Adding fields to a layout
Editing objects, layout parts, and the layout background