Backing up databases

FileMaker Server provides the following ways to perform database backups.

Backup type



FileMaker Server creates an automatic backup of hosted databases once a day.


Click Back Up Now on the Backups page to create an on-demand backup at any time.

Scheduled Use the Backups > Backup Schedules tab to create a backup schedule that defines which databases are backed up and how often they are backed up. Every time the schedule runs, FileMaker Server checks whether the selected databases have changed since the last backup. FileMaker Server creates a full copy of the databases that have changed and creates hard links to the backed-up databases that have not changed.
Progressive FileMaker Server starts by creating a full backup of all hosted databases. After the initial full backup is complete, the Database Server only copies the changes from the hosted file to the progressive backup folder. Progressive backups can run more quickly than a backup schedule, with less impact on server performance. Progressive backups keep two copies of the backup files: a timestamped copy that is available for you to use as a backup, and an in-progress copy that gets updated with the accumulated changes.

Use a combination of these backup types to create a comprehensive backup strategy for your hosted databases. See FileMaker Server Help.

Note  If you use Time Machine in macOS, exclude FileMaker Server folder items from the Time Machine backup. Use Admin Console to back up your databases.

Creating a backup to a Windows ReFS volume

FileMaker Server can make full backups on any local volume that supports Windows Resilient File System (ReFS); however, the backup process may take more time and require more disk space.

Note  Creating backups on remote volumes, including remote ReFS volumes, is not supported. The ReFS volume must be a local volume. See FileMaker Server Help.

When backing up a database, FileMaker Server checks if the backup volume uses ReFS. If the file is not being backed up to a ReFS volume, FileMaker Server checks if the selected databases have changed since the last time that scheduled backup ran. For each scheduled backup task, FileMaker Server creates a full copy of the databases that have changed and creates hard links to the backed up databases without any changes.

Because ReFS doesn't support hard links, FileMaker Server must create a full backup even if the hosted database is identical to the most recent backup file.