Creating or changing script schedules

FileMaker Cloud can run FileMaker scripts that are created in hosted databases. To create a schedule to run a FileMaker script, you specify the database, choose a script created in the database, and specify when to run the script.

You can save the settings for the script schedules for your team, then load the settings to configure them for a different team.

Make all the changes on the Configuration > Script Schedules tab.

Note  To run a FileMaker script in a database hosted by FileMaker Cloud, the database must include your Claris ID account, either as an individual or as a group you are in, in the Manage Security dialog in FileMaker Pro.

Create a script schedule

  1. Click Create Schedule.

  2. Enter the Schedule Name.

  3. Select the Database from the list of hosted databases.

  4. Select the FileMaker Script from the list of the scripts in the selected database. You can also enter an optional parameter and timeout.

    Script name and parameters added together can be a maximum of 2048 characters.

    Script names must be unique. If your database has scripts with the same name, only one of the scripts is included in the list.

  5. For Repeat, choose one of these options.

    Choose To


    Run once, on the specified date and time.


    Run on a daily basis:

    • Run once a day, with Time set to At, starting at the specified time, and beginning on the date entered.

    • Run multiple times daily, with Time set to Between.


    Run on one or more days. For Days of the Week, select the days of the week when you want the schedule to run.

    Every N Days

    Create a schedule that has a specific interval in days, such as every 2, 3, or 4 days. For Run Every, select the interval in days.

    • Select the Start Date or leave the current date.

    • For all schedules except Once, you can set an ending date by selecting Set End Date, then selecting a date from the calendar.

    • To run a scheduled task once, select At for Time. Then, specify the time when you want the scheduled task to run.

    • To run a scheduled task multiple times, select Between for Time. Then, specify the time range between 00:00 and 23:59 when you want the task repeated. Then, for Repeat Every, specify the frequency for when the task should be repeated in minutes or in hours.

  6. Click Save.

Note  Don't schedule scripts to run during auto maintenance. See Setting the auto maintenance schedule.

Use a filter for a column

  • Click filter menu in the column heading, choose the criteria, then click Apply.

Change the sort order

  • Click the column heading.

Duplicate script schedules

  • Select the schedules to duplicate, then click Duplicate.

Rename a script schedule

  1. Select the schedule to rename, then click Edit.

  2. For Schedule Name, enter a new name.

  3. Click Save.

Edit a script schedule

  1. Select the schedule, then click Edit.

  2. Make your changes, then click Save.

Delete script schedules

  • Select the schedules to delete, then click Delete.

Run schedules manually

  • Select one or more schedules from the list, then click Run Now.

Save schedules settings

  • Click Save.

  • The schedule settings file is downloaded to the location defined by your web browser. The file is created with the default name fms_settings.settings.

Note  Don't edit the schedule settings file; if you do, the settings will not load.

Load schedules settings

Important  Whenever you load a schedule settings file, all existing script schedules are deleted and replaced by the schedules in the schedule settings file. You cannot merge schedule settings from different FileMaker Cloud teams.

  1. Click Load.

  2. Click Browse and select the schedule settings file to load.

For detailed information about the schedules that were loaded, see the LoadSchedules.log file on the Logs tab.


  • While a schedule is running, the Scheduled Time column changes to Running. Immediately after the schedule completes, the column temporarily changes to either Succeeded or Failed to indicate the result. For detailed information about the schedule, review the Event.log messages that have been logged.

  • External IdP users can't create script schedules.

  • The date and time used for script schedules are in UTC time. Make sure to calculate the difference between the UTC and your time zone.

  • Some script steps have options that are skipped, such as an option to show a dialog box. The Event.log file contains detailed information about errors or script steps that are skipped when FileMaker Cloud runs FileMaker scripts.

  • Schedules are executed using the schedule creator's Claris ID. To update a schedule to run as a different admin account, sign in to Admin Console using the desired admin account, open the schedule for editing, re-select the desired FileMaker script from the Script Name drop-down menu, then save the schedule. Schedules last saved using inactive Claris IDs will not run.