Claris Studio will be down for scheduled maintenance:
October 22, 3:30 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. PDT

What's new in Claris Studio

January 22, 2025 ✨

Display related data on a form

  • In form views, you can now use a calculation to display related data from the table specified by the options list in a drop-down field in the current view. The pattern to use in a calculation is:

  • For example, in a form view named Registration Form, you have a drop-down field named Session ID (with the object name dropdown) that's defined to display options from the table named Sessions table. In a text block on the form view, you can add this calculation to display the name of the instructor for the session selected in the Session ID field—which comes from the Instructor field in Sessions table:

    'Registration Form'

    Notice that, after the view name ('Registration Form') and the object name (dropdown), the data property gives you access to any of the fields in Sessions table.

Developer mode enhancements

  • The Gear button icon for view or page settings was hard to discover. Now, it also has a clear label: View Settings or Page Settings.

  • To better handle hubs containing many views, the navigation bar at the top of a view has been replaced with a menu. To go to another view in the same hub, just click the current view's name, then choose a view. To perform actions on the current view, click More (ellipsis) button and choose an action (for example, Edit Name, Duplicate, and so on).