About user roles

In Claris Studio, a team has two user roles:

  • team members: users who can work with data in views that are shared with them

  • team managers: users who can create views, invite users to the team, share views, and more

Team managers

You become a Claris Studio team manager when:

  • you purchase a qualifying Claris plan, and you are the contact for managing the team's plan

  • another team manager designates you as a team manager

As a team manager, you can:

  • invite users to the team

  • remove users from the team

  • promote a team member to a team manager

  • create, delete, and rename hubs

  • add views to hubs and remove them

  • archive and delete views

  • add team members to hubs to share views with them

  • create and edit all aspects of all your team's views in Claris Studio

  • link a FileMaker Pro custom app to your team's Claris Studio data source

  • change the team's name

Team members

Invited users are team members, unless a team manager designates them as other team managers.

As a team member, you can:

  • open views that have been shared with you in a hub

  • add, delete, and edit records in views

  • sort, filter, group, and color code records in views

Team members can't create or delete views or modify their design.


  • In FileMaker Pro apps that are linked to a team's Claris Studio data source, access to data is controlled by the accounts and privileges defined in the Manage Security dialog in the app, not by which views are shared with team members in Claris Studio hubs.