Before you install FileMaker Server

This section explains how to install FileMaker Server on a single machine. To install on more than one machine, see Deploying FileMaker server across multiple machines.

  • Confirm your machine meets the system requirements documented in FileMaker Technical Specifications. It should be a dedicated machine reserved for use as a database server. Don't use an email, print, or network file server.

  • Disable sleep and hibernate modes, hard drive sleep, and screen savers.

  • When you upgrade FileMaker Server from version 19 (version 19.4.2 or later), 20, or 21, the installer performs a full installation and preserves most user data and configuration files (some configuration files are deleted are reset for compatibility with the installed version). Settings are saved automatically, and you aren't required to uninstall the current installation. The installer finds your existing databases, configuration files, SSL certificate, logs, and other files. The installer installs the new binary files and then transitions your settings to the new version.

  • FileMaker Server requires a web server in all deployments. The web server serves web publishing clients, hosts the web-based Admin Console application, and handles some data transfer tasks. FileMaker Server requires that port 80 is available for web connections and port 443 is available for secure web connections. These ports are used by FileMaker Server even if web publishing is disabled. If the FileMaker Server installer detects existing websites using these ports, you must disable those websites and make the ports available.

    • Windows: The FileMaker Server installer enables the IIS web server if it isn't already enabled, then runs the Microsoft Application Request Routing (ARR) installer, creates its own website in IIS, and configures the website to use the ports specified for web connections.

    • macOS and Linux: The web server does not need to be enabled. If it is enabled, ensure that no existing website uses port 80 or 443. The installer creates a separate web server instance and enables it for the host to use on these ports.

      See Setting up the web server.

  • In the server computer's firewall, open the necessary ports so that FileMaker Server can communicate with administrators and clients. See Ports used by FileMaker Server.

  • To move a FileMaker Server installation to a different server, see Moving an existing installation.

  • Locate your license certificate. See About the license certificate.

  • Windows and macOS: If you are currently running FileMaker Pro on the same machine, quit before installing FileMaker Server.

  • Server security is important. Review the topic "Securing your data" in FileMaker Server Help and the information in FileMaker Security Guide.

  • For security reasons, use a custom SSL certificate. Import your own SSL certificate purchased from a trusted certificate authority.

  • If the machine has antivirus software installed, you may need to disable or uninstall it before running the FileMaker Server installer. Don't enable antivirus software again until after the installer has finished.

    Do not allow antivirus software to scan the folders that contain hosted databases or the folders that contain files for container fields that store data externally.

  • You cannot run two different versions of FileMaker Server on the same machine at the same time.

  • Because some DHCP servers cycle IP addresses, use a static IP address.

  • macOS: Avoid using the macOS Server application to enable any HTTP services while running FileMaker Server. HTTP services provided by macOS Server can interfere with FileMaker Server. See Using the Apache web server in macOS.