Update a record with an image or PDF container field with binary data

The request in this table updates the value in a photo field of a Contacts record using the PATCH method with binary GIF bytes (unstructured) in the body of the request. The content type header must specify the type of data contained in the body (image/gif, image/png, image/jpeg, image/tiff, or application/pdf).



HTTP method



https://host/fmi/odata/version/database-name/table-name (primary-key-value)/field-name

host – FileMaker Cloud or FileMaker Server host name

version – the OData version, always v4

database-name – the name of the hosted database

table-name - the name of the table

primary-key-value - the unique identifier value of the record

field-name - the name of the container field

Example: /fmi/odata/v4/ContactMgmt/Contacts('ALFKI')/Photo


"474946383961090009008001007F7F7FFFFFFF21 F90401000001002C000000000900090000020C8C 8FA90BED701E448EADBB0A003B"