Add fields into a table

To create a new field in an existing table, send a PATCH request to the FileMaker_Tables system table, followed by the table name in the URL. The PATCH body must contain an array of fields to add to the table.

If the request fails because of an error while adding a field, other fields can still be added to the table.



HTTP method




host – FileMaker Cloud or FileMaker Server host name

version – the OData version, always v4

database-name – the name of the hosted database

table-name - the name of the table

Example: /fmi/odata/v4/ContactMgmt/FileMaker_Tables/Company

The request above creates a field named Phone in the Company table.


JSON example


  "fields": [
      "name": "Phone",
      "type": "varchar(25)"

Atom example:

<TableDefinition tableName="Company">
  <FieldDefinition name="Phone" type="varchar(25)"/>

FileMaker information

  • FileMaker_Tables is a system table used for creating, modifying, and deleting tables. See Create a table for valid options.

  • When you add a new field to a table and specify NULL as the default type, the keyword value defaults to TIMESTAMP.