Editing value list privileges
Privilege sets can limit access to value lists in a file. For a file, you can set:
Privileges for all value lists: you can permit viewing, editing, and deleting of value lists, or viewing only.
Custom privileges for individual value lists: for each value list, you can set whether it is modifiable, view only, or accessible.
To edit value list privileges:
Display the Edit Privilege Set dialog box. See Creating new privilege sets or Editing existing privilege sets.
To set privileges for all value lists in the file, for Value Lists, choose All modifiable, All view only, or All no access. These options allow or prohibit the following:
All modifiable allows viewing and modifying value lists, duplicating and deleting value lists, and creating new value lists.
All view only allows viewing of existing value lists only. Prohibits opening the Manage Value Lists dialog box in order to create or edit value lists.
All no access prohibits seeing the items in all value lists. Prohibits accessing value list names in the Sort dialog box and other dialog boxes that display value list names. Prohibits opening the Manage Value Lists dialog box in order to create or edit value lists.
To set individual privileges for each value list in the file, for Value Lists, choose Custom privileges. In the Custom Value List Privileges dialog box, select each value list (or select Any New Value List to set privileges for any new value list created later) and set the privileges you want for it. When you’re through setting privileges for individual value lists, click OK.
For Privilege, choose Modifiable.
For Privilege, choose View only.
Prohibit seeing the items in a value list. (The user will see <No Access> for the list instead of the value list items.) Prohibits editing the value list in the Manage Value Lists dialog box.
For Privilege, choose No access.
Select Allow creation of new value lists.
Tip  You can also set individual privileges for multiple value lists at once by first selecting multiple value lists in the Custom Value List Privileges dialog box. See the Notes section below.
For details on the different privileges you can define, see:
You see the Manage Security dialog box.
If you’ve finished working with accounts and privileges, click OK. In the dialog box that appears, enter an account name and password that is assigned the Full Access privilege set, and click OK.
For value lists with ODBC data, the No access privilege and Limited custom privilege are not supported. To prohibit a user from seeing ODBC data in a value list, you must enforce row-level security in the external SQL database.