Claris Studio fields that work in FileMaker Pro apps

Most field types in Claris Studio are supported in FileMaker Pro custom apps. That means data in most Claris Studio fields will appear in fields of the corresponding type in custom apps.

Claris Studio field type FileMaker Pro field type Supported
short text text
long text text
rich text
number number ✓ (numeric only)
drop-down text
checkboxes text
single choice text
date date
time time ✓ (time of day only)
timestamp timestamp
phone text
email text
signature container ✓ (read only)
currency number ✓ (numeric only)
calculation -
ranking -
rating -
address text (for each subfield)
created by,
modified by
created on,
modified on

For unsupported field types, the Claris Studio data isn't accessible in FileMaker Pro apps.

For more information using Claris Studio data in FileMaker Pro apps, see Working with a Claris Studio data source and About choosing a field type in FileMaker Pro Help.