Setting up and configuring the operating system (Windows)


Do this

Update the operating system and other key drivers

Make sure the BIOS, firmware, and drivers are updated, including:

  • machine BIOS/firmware

  • disk controllers, including RAID controllers

  • disk drives

  • Network Interface Cards (NICs)

  • display adapters

Install Windows updates

Check for the latest service patches and updates and install them. See the FileMaker Server system requirements for supported Windows versions and service packs.

Configure the disk subsystem

Configure the disk array into three logical partitions.

  • On the first partition, install the operating system and FileMaker Server.

  • On the second partition, store the databases that FileMaker Server will host.

  • On the last partition, store local backup files and performance logs.

Don't use file sharing

The Database Server component of FileMaker Server accesses the FileMaker databases directly and handles the network access by FileMaker clients. File sharing is not needed.

Disable unnecessary services

Disable services that Windows enables by default that FileMaker Server doesn't need in order to function properly. The FileMaker Server service only needs to access the hard drives and network.

Disable other Windows settings

Consider changing these settings when optimizing the system on which FileMaker Server is run:

  • Disable indexing for the hosted database volume and the backup volume.

  • Disable Shadow Copy (sometimes referred to as Volume Snapshot Service or VSS) on the hosted database volume.

  • Make the virtual memory swap file a static size so Windows doesn't attempt to adjust it. Use the recommended file size amount.

Configure the Windows firewall

Find out which ports need to be open, and configure the firewall on the primary and secondary machines. See Ports used by FileMaker Server.

Configure virus scanning

Do not allow antivirus software to scan the folders that contain hosted databases or the folders that contain files for container fields that store data externally. Antivirus software may cause file corruption if you allow real-time or on-access virus scanning while files are being hosted to users. With real-time scanning, the virus scanner may take a long time to scan the databases, which places a heavy load on the server's disk, memory, and processor.

Defragment the hard drive

Defragment the hard drive partition containing the live databases (not the backups) routinely; however, don't defragment the partition while files are being hosted.

Note  Close any live hosted files with Admin Console before defragmenting. See FileMaker Server Help.