FileMaker scripts and OData

A FileMaker script is a named set of script steps that automate frequently performed tasks, and that can combine several tasks. When used with OData, FileMaker scripts allow web services to perform more tasks or a series of tasks. See Run scripts.


  • Use accounts and privileges to restrict the set of scripts that a web service can run. Verify that the scripts contain only web-compatible script steps, and provide access only to scripts that should be used from a web service.

  • Consider the effects of scripts that run a combination of steps controlled by access privileges. For example, if a script includes a step to delete records, and the web service does not log in with an account that allows record deletion, the script will not perform the Delete Records script step. However, the script might continue to run, which could lead to unexpected results.

  • In the Script Workspace, grant the Full Access privilege set to a script to allow the script to perform tasks that you would not grant to individuals. For example, you can prevent users from deleting records with their accounts and privileges, but allow them to run a script that would delete certain records under conditions defined in the script.

  • Any script that modifies data should include the Commit Record/Request script step, because data changes aren't accessible until the data is saved to the server. This includes script steps like Cut, Copy, and Paste. Convert single actions into scripts to include the Commit Record/Request script step. When designing scripts that are run from a web service, include the Commit Record/Request script step at the end of a script to make sure all changes are saved.

  • Open each script that web users might run, and verify that the script runs properly when the database is hosted for OData access. Check that the script uses only script steps that are supported by OData, as described above.