Append multiple parts

If a database is larger than 500 MB, use this API call to upload a database divided into multiple parts, where most parts can be uploaded at the same time. On the host, each part is appended to the previous part.

Call this API to upload the first part. When it is finished, you can make multiple calls to upload each part between the first and the last part at the same time. When those parts are finished, make a call to upload the last part.

For example, if a file has seven parts, call this API seven times in these three stages:

  • Stage 1: Call this API to upload the first part.

  • Stage 2: After stage 1 is complete, call this API to upload parts two to six at the same time.

  • Stage 3: After stage 2 is complete, call this API to upload part seven.

HTTP method




API call URL

/fmws/{db-upload-uri or rc-upload-uri}/DatabaseFilename

Use the URIs returned from the "getdatabaseuploadinfo" API call for db-upload-uri or rc-upload-uri.

HTTP header
  • x-fms-command: The command for the API call. For this header, "appendmp" is the only value allowed.
  • x-fms-session-key (string): The session key returned from the Authentication API call.
  • x-fms-append (integer): The status for appending different parts of the database. Possible values are:
    • 1 - append start: It appends the first part of the file.
    • 2 - append update: It appends the parts between the first and the last at the same time.
    • 3 - append end: It appends the last part of the file.
  • x-fms-multipart-number (integer): The part number for each part of the file. The number must start with 1 for the first part of the file.

Body The file to upload
Parameters None

The API call result code.

For example:

"result": 0
Response header

Check the response header for any error codes.

For example:

"x-FMS-Result" : 9
"x-FMS-Error" : (9): Access was denied