SerialIncrementReturns the combined text and numbers specified by text, with the numbers in text incremented by the specified amount.text - any text that also contains a numberincrementBy - any numeric expression to increment the text byThis function doesn’t remove the text in text, which normally happens when performing standard math against a value that contains text.If the incrementBy value is a decimal number, then only the integer portion of incrementBy value is added to the last number in text. Any character other than a number is considered a separator. You can use both positive and negative incrementBy values.SerialIncrement(“abc12”;1) returns abc13.SerialIncrement(“abc12”;7) returns abc19.SerialIncrement(“abc12”;-1) returns abc11.SerialIncrement(“abc12”;1.2) returns abc13.SerialIncrement(“abc1.2”;1.2) returns abc1.3.SerialIncrement(“abc123;999”;1) returns abc123;1000.