month - the month of the year (a one-digit or two-digit number; see note).
day - the day of the month (a one-digit or two-digit number; see note).
year - the year (four digits between 0001 and 4000. For example, 2014 but not 14).
You can change how the date is displayed by assigning a different date format to the field in Layout mode. Changing the formatting in this way only affects the way the data is displayed, not how it is stored.
Date(13;1;2014) returns
1/1/2015 (one month after December 1, 2014).
Date(6;0;2014) returns
5/31/2014 (one day before June 1, 2014).
Date(6;-2;2014) returns
5/29/2014 (three days before June 1, 2014).
“Bill Due by: ” & Date(Month(DateSold) + 1;Day(DateSold);Year(DateSold)) returns
Bill Due by: followed by a value that is one month later than DateSold.