Selecting and working with objects in tab panels
You can add objects anywhere in a tab panel within a tab control. You can also move, resize, delete, copy, and format objects in tab panels.
To select and work with objects in a tab panel:
In Layout mode, choose one of the following:
Select some objects in a tab panel, shift-click a tab to switch tab panels, then shift-click objects to add them to the selection.
Line up the edges of objects on different tab panels in the same place on each tab panel
Shift-click a tab panel and shift-click to select objects. In the Inspector, click Position. In the Arrange & Align area, click one of the following:
If you don’t see the Inspector, click Inspector Inspector button in the layout bar.
Distribute objects horizontally or vertically the same way on different tab panels
Shift-click a tab panel and shift-click to select objects. In the Inspector, click Position. In the Arrange & Align area, click Distribute Horizontally Distribute Horizontally button or Distribute Vertically Distribute Vertically button.
Make objects on different tab panels the same size
Shift-click a tab panel and shift-click to select objects. In the Inspector, click Position. In the Arrange & Align area, click one of the following:
Select an object, choose Edit menu > Copy, then choose Edit menu > Paste.
Choose Edit menu > Clear
If you save records as an Excel file, only fields that are on the front tab panel will be saved. If you want more control over which fields appear in the Excel file, then use Export Records instead.
You can define a custom tab order for objects within a tab panel. However, when you press the Tab key, you navigate only to objects on the tab panel that is in front. If you want to automate navigation to another tab panel, use the Go To Field script step and specify a target field that is on the panel you want to bring to the front. For general information on tab order, see Setting the tab order for data entry.
If a script step specifies a field in a tab panel that is not in front, the specified field is selected and the tab panel it is in moves to the front of the tab control. If, however, the same field appears elsewhere on the layout and the script finds that field first, the tab panel with that same field will not come forward. Instead, assign an object name to the field and use the Go to Object script step to move to that instance of the field.
If you want fields on a tab panel to resize with the tab panel, you must specify resize settings for both the tab panel and fields located inside it. If a tab panel is not set to resize, objects inside it will not resize regardless of their individual resize settings. For more information, see Setting auto-resize options for layout objects.
Related topics 
Drawing and inserting objects on a layout
Placing and removing fields on a layout
Selecting and working with objects on a layout
Formatting tab controls