iOS App SDK Guide

Important  Claris International Inc. does not recommend or support using the App Store to distribute apps created with iOS App SDK. Use the Apple Developer Enterprise Program to distribute your iOS apps.

Note  This guide uses iOS to mean both iOS and iPadOS unless otherwise stated.

Use iOS App SDK to build a standalone iOS app from your FileMaker custom app. After creating the app, use one of the supported deployment options to distribute it.

Here are some benefits of building iOS apps from your FileMaker custom apps:

  • You can deploy FileMaker custom apps the same way you deploy other business apps for your organization.

  • Users can access your FileMaker custom apps the same way they access other iOS apps. They don't need to install Claris FileMaker Go to use the custom apps.

  • You can choose the appearance of your custom apps by customizing the app icon and launch image.

Note  iOS App SDK supports authenticating user accounts via Claris ID and third-party OAuth identity providers.