Working with data in FileMaker Go

Use one of the following options to work with data in FileMaker Go:

  • Connect to a hosted file from an iOS or iPadOS device and work with data interactively. When you change data on the iOS or iPadOS device, the data is updated on the host computer, and vice versa. You can connect to files that are hosted by FileMaker Pro, Claris FileMaker Server, or Claris FileMaker Cloud.

  • Transfer a file to an iOS or iPadOS device, then work offline with a local copy of the file on the device. When you transfer a file to your iOS or iPadOS device, you create a copy of the file. When you make data changes to the local file on your iOS or iPadOS device, the original file on your computer is not updated. You must transfer the file back to your computer, then use FileMaker Pro to import and update data. See About file transfers.

To connect to hosted files or to transfer files to or from a device, see Help. To open files using a URL, see FileMaker Pro Help.