API call for updating a FileMaker Cloud app

Use the Update API call to apply changes from a clone to an app.

HTTP method




API call URL


HTTP header

The Update API call uses the following headers:

  • x-fms-command: The command for the Update call. For this header, "update" is the only value allowed.
  • x-fms-jwt (string): The Claris ID token required to authenticate access to the hosted database.
  • x-fms-session-key (string): The session key returned from the Authentication API call.
  • x-fms-src-key (a base64-encoded string): The encryption password for the database. If the encryption password is saved on the server, this header is optional.
  • x-fms-clone-key (a base64-encoded string): The encryption password for the clone. It is optional if it is the same as the encryption password for the source database file.
  • x-fms-src-account (a base64-encoded string): (required) The user name for the source database account.
  • x-fms-src-pwd (a base64-encoded string): (required) The password for the source database account.
  • x-fms-clone-size (integer): (required) The size of the clone.
  • x-fms-clone-account (a base64-encoded string): The user name for the clone database account. It is optional if it is the same as the user name for the source database file.
  • x-fms-clone-pwd (a base64-encoded string): The password for the clone database account. It is optional if it is the same as the password for the source database file.
  • x-fms-ignore-valuelists (string): (optional) Uses custom value lists from the clone instead of the source file.
  • x-fms-ignore-fonts (string): (optional) The call doesn't check the font mapping for field contents.
Body The clone file
Parameters None
Response body

The name of the source file, the migration preparation result, the migration log, and the API call result code.

For example:

  "data": {
    "migration-log": [
      "Start: Fri Feb 28 09:39:25 2020",
      " == Mapping source privileges to target privileges ==",
      " == Mapping source tables to target tables ==",
      " == Mapping fields in source table \"source\" to target table \"source\" ==",
      "-- Block mode migration for source table \"source\" --",
      " == Summary ==",
      " Accounts migrated: 40",
      " Accounts changed: 0",
      " Custom value lists migrated: 0",
      " Font entries added: 0",
      " Tables migrated: 1",
      " Tables not migrated: 0",
      " Fields migrated: 8",
      " Fields not migrated: 0",
      " Fields triggering recalculations: 0",
      " Fields with evaluation errors: 0",
      " Fields with fewer repetitions: 0",
      " Serial numbers updated: 0",
      "End: Fri Feb 28 09:39:26 2020"
    "migration-result": 0,
    "src-name": "source.fmp12.Temp"
  "result": 0
Response header

Check the response header for any error codes.

For example:

"x-FMS-Result" : 9
"x-FMS-Error" : (9): Access was denied