Saves a copy of the current file.
•Specify output file allows you to specify the name and location of the resulting copy. See Creating file paths. You can select:
•Automatically open file to have the output file open with the default application
•Create email with file as attachment to display a new email message in the user's default email application, with the output file attached
If you do not specify a file, FileMaker Pro Advanced saves a copy of the current file and displays the Save As dialog box so the user can specify copying options.
•Choose how to save a copy of the file:
•copy of current file saves a complete copy of the current file.
•compacted copy saves a compacted copy of the current file.
•clone (no records) saves a copy of the file without any records.
•self-contained copy (single file) saves a copy of the file with all container content embedded in the file.
•Create folders specifies whether to create new folders that you specify in the output file path.
Product | Supported |
FileMaker Pro Advanced | Yes |
FileMaker Go | Partial |
FileMaker WebDirect | No |
FileMaker Server | No |
FileMaker Cloud products | No |
FileMaker Data API | No |
Custom Web Publishing | No |
Runtime solution | Yes |
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
Use this script step to back up your file.
•In FileMaker Pro Advanced, this script step is not supported when the current file is hosted.
•In FileMaker Go:
•Choose self-contained copy (single file). Container objects will be embedded in the copy.
•The Create folders option is not supported.
Saves a copy or clone of the current database.
Show Custom Dialog ["Save a copy or empty clone of the current file?"]
If [Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = 1]
Save a Copy as [copy of current file ; Create folders: Off]
Save a Copy as [clone (no records) ; Create folders: Off]
End If