Reference > Glossary



Access key (Windows)

A key that activates a menu, menu item, or control when used with the ALT key. In Windows, this key corresponds to the underlined letter on a menu, command, or dialog box option.

Access privileges

Permission to view and work with certain records, fields, layouts, value lists, and scripts and to perform selected activities in a file.


A user name and (usually) a password, which identifies a user. Accounts are created in FileMaker Pro Advanced or externally (for example, in the Amazon or FileMaker ID identity provider system). Once an account exists, you assign access privileges to it, which determines the tasks that the account is allowed to do.

Account access

A user's account or a group with a privilege set. You create an account access entry in the Manage Security dialog box.

Active pane

In the Script Workspace, the pane (scripts pane, script editing pane, or script steps pane) that's active for use.

Active tab

In the Script Workspace, the tab in the script editing pane that's active for use.

ActiveX Automation

A Windows programming and scripting protocol that allows external control of specific commands and actions in FileMaker Pro Advanced, including opening and closing FileMaker Pro Advanced files, toggling the application's visibility, and performing FileMaker Pro Advanced scripts.

Add-on Table

A category of tables that include a set of fields you can add to custom apps to track multiple instances of an item for each record. For example, an Email Addresses Add-on Table added to a Contacts app tracks multiple email addresses for each contact.

Advanced tools

FileMaker Pro Advanced development and deployment features (for example, Script Debugger, custom menus, and database encryption) that are available when the Use advanced tools general preference is selected.

Alpha channel

The alpha channel of an image stores transparency information and controls the transparency of the red, green, and blue color channels.


A visual effect that provides feedback while you are performing actions in FileMaker Pro Advanced and FileMaker Go, such as switching between slide panels.

API (Application Programming Interface)

A set of software application building blocks, such as data structures, variables, procedures, and functions, used by programmers.


A scripting language you can use to control functions of macOS and of applications that support AppleScript (often called scriptable applications).

Apple events

A macOS technology that lets applications communicate with one another. FileMaker Pro Advanced can send and receive Apple events to and from applications that support them.

Ascending sort order

Alphabetical sequence (A to Z) for words, lowest to highest order for numbers, and earliest to latest for dates and times.

ASCII character set

American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard character set used by computer systems worldwide (often extended for different alphabets).


The process of checking the validity of an account and password (if one is defined) before assigning privileges and allowing access to a system or a file.


Allowing a file to access a protected file's schema (including its tables, layouts, scripts, and value lists). Such a file is an authorized file.

Auxiliary files

In a runtime solution, files that are bundled with a primary file.



A copy of a file that can be used if the original is lost, damaged, or otherwise irretrievable.


An icon indicating that conditional formatting, script triggers, placeholder text, or tooltips have been applied to a field, object, or layout; that find is available for a field; that an object is a button, popover button, or button bar; or that a solution is a favorite.

Base directory

For container fields that store an external reference, the folder in which the referenced data is stored. You can also specify a file system path or a calculation for each open storage container field.

Binding key

A case-sensitive key from 1 to 24 characters long that links the components of a runtime solution.

Blank layout

A layout that contains empty body, header, and footer parts.

Body part

A layout part that contains individual records from a file.

Boolean value

A Boolean value is either true or false. A field containing any number except zero evaluates as true. A field containing zero, no data, or content that does not resolve into a number evaluates as false. For example, a field containing "ABC," "ABC0," or an empty field is false. A field containing "1" or "ABC2" is true.

Break field

In a subsummary part, records are grouped (sorted) by values in another field, called the break field. Whenever the value of the break field changes, the report "breaks" and FileMaker Pro Advanced inserts the subsummary part.

Browse mode

The FileMaker Pro Advanced mode in which you enter and edit information in fields. Groups of fields make up the records of your file. You can view one record at a time (click Form View in the layout bar), view your records in a list (click List View), or view records arranged in a spreadsheet-like table (click Table View).

(Use Browse mode to enter and edit your information; use Layout mode to design how your information is displayed. Use Find mode to find records that match search criteria; use Preview mode to display how your records will print.)


A layout object that performs a specified script in Browse or Find mode.

Button bar

A layout object that displays buttons or popover buttons in a horizontal or vertical bar. Button bars contain segments that represent individual buttons consisting of any combination of a button icon and a text label.



An area of RAM (Random Access Memory) reserved by a program to store frequently used data, providing faster access than if the data were read from the hard disk. A larger cache size increases FileMaker Pro Advanced performance. A smaller cache size saves data to the hard disk more frequently, offering greater protection in case of a system crash.

Calculation field

A field that returns the result of a calculation of values. You can create a formula for the calculation using functions, constants, operators, and information from other fields in the same record.


A type of window that is modal to its parent window, allowing users to open other windows or files without having to first close the card. Create and customize a card using the New Window script step.

Cascading style sheets

A system of codes or tags that define how a web browser displays information in a webpage. Cascading style sheets provide more control over the layout and appearance of webpages than HTML. Cascading style sheets work like templates for webpages. If a web age contains cascading style sheets, users must view it in a browser that supports cascading style sheets.

Character encoding

The character set or code page of a file. If necessary, you can specify a character set to be used when importing, exporting, indexing, sorting, and spell-checking files. FileMaker supports ASCII, Windows ANSI, Macintosh, Japanese (Shift-JIS), Unicode UTF-8, Unicode UTF-16, and Unicode UTF-16 Windows.


A graphical depiction that makes it easy to compare data and see patterns and trends.

Chart legend

A key that identifies the colors assigned to a data series in a chart.


A user who opens a connection to a database hosted on FileMaker Server, a FileMaker Cloud product, or FileMaker Pro Advanced with FileMaker Go, FileMaker Pro Advanced, an ODBC/JDBC client application, or a web browser (hosted by FileMaker Server or FileMaker Cloud products only). A FileMaker client is a user using FileMaker Go or FileMaker Pro Advanced. A web publishing client is a user using FileMaker WebDirect, Custom Web Publishing, or the FileMaker Data API.

Client application

The application that requests data (using SQL) from a data source (using ODBC or JDBC). Also, FileMaker Pro Advanced is a client application when it accesses a file hosted by FileMaker Server or a FileMaker Cloud product.

Client/server architecture

The relationship between two networked computers that share resources. The client requests services from the server, and the server provides services to the client.


A temporary storage area in computer memory where FileMaker Pro Advanced places the most recent selection you've cut or copied.


A copy of a FileMaker Pro Advanced file that contains all the field definitions, tables, layouts, scripts, and page setup options, but none of the data.


When a layout is viewed in Table View, a column corresponds to a field.

Combo box

A type of list you can set up in Layout mode. In the Data Data tab in the Inspector, select Include arrow to show and hide list. The list will open only when users click the arrow, not when they enter the field.


To save changes to a file. Certain actions such as navigating between records, finding, and sorting do not change the file's modification date. Other actions such as changing data in a record or changing a layout do change the file's modification date.

Concealed edit box

A field set up to conceal confidential information by displaying dots in place of data.

Consistency check

A consistency check examines a file that may have been damaged due to, for example, an unexpected quit. FileMaker Pro Advanced reads every file block and verifies that the internal structure of the block is valid and the block is properly linked to other blocks in the file. (A consistency check does not read all the data within each file block or check the schema or higher-level structures in the file; these tasks are performed by file recovery.)


In a formula, an unchanging value. For example, a constant can be a field name, a text literal ("Total:"), or a number. The value of the constant doesn't change from record to record as the formula is evaluated.

Container data type

Pictures, movies, and documents such as Microsoft Word files and PDF files can be inserted in a container field. Data in container fields can be embedded in the field, stored by file reference, or stored externally.


The table occurrence from which calculations and scripts are begun, and from which a relationship is evaluated in the relationships graph.


Opening a data file from another application, which creates a new FileMaker Pro Advanced file containing the data.

Also refers to opening a file created with a previous version of FileMaker Pro Advanced or FileMaker Pro.

Create window

A window where you create custom apps from a Starter app or a blank file, convert files from previous versions, and learn about creating custom apps.

Custom app

A file or set of files containing database tables, layouts, scripts, and associated data. A custom app performs one or more specific tasks, such as tracking customers or invoices. Sometimes called a solution.

Custom function

A function that is not one of the default FileMaker Pro Advanced functions. You can create custom functions that can be reused anywhere in the file.

Custom menu

A menu that is not one of the default FileMaker Pro Advanced menus. You can create custom menus, menu items, and menu sets.

Custom-separated values

Field values in a file that are separated with characters or other delimiters you specify, such as tab, comma, or semicolon.


Data Entry Only privilege set

One of the three predefined privilege sets that appear in every file. The Data Entry Only privilege set allows read/write access to the records in a file, but not design access (for example, the ability to create layouts and value lists).

Data file

A file that can be used with create data file, write to data file, and read from data file script steps.

Data point

In a chart, the value of data plotted on the x or y axis displayed as a column, bar, point, bubble, or slice.

Data series

Data points that are plotted in a chart. When multiple data series are charted, each data series is displayed in a unique color and is defined in the chart's legend, if included.

Data source

A named reference that provides access to another FileMaker Pro Advanced file or to an ODBC database. ODBC data sources are also referred to as external SQL sources (ESS).

In charting, the origin of the data to be charted—current found set, current record (delimited data), or related records.

Data source name (DSN)

A data structure that contains the information about a specific file that an ODBC driver needs in order to connect to it.

Data Viewer

An advanced tool that lets you monitor expressions such as field values, local and global variables, and calculations. You can monitor expressions while running scripts or while testing them in the Script Debugger. You can also monitor field values and variables in the file.


The arrangement of tables and fields and their interrelationships in a file.

Database Design Report

An advanced tool that creates a report of your database schema.

Database Encryption

A form of encryption that protects "data at rest." For FileMaker, data at rest is a FileMaker Pro Advanced file and its temporary files, while it is being stored on disk (and not open). An encrypted file is protected from unauthorized access with an encryption password. FileMaker Pro Advanced is required to encrypt files. Encrypted files can be decrypted and re-encrypted as needed.

Database file

A component of a FileMaker Pro Advanced custom app.

Database Management System (DBMS)

An application that allows users to store, process, and retrieve information in a database.

Descending sort order

Reverse alphabetical sequence (Z to A) for words, highest to lowest order for numbers, and latest to earliest dates and times.

Developer Utilities

An advanced tool that lets you bind files into a runtime solution, display files in Kiosk mode, prevent users from modifying the design or structure of databases, and automatically rename sets of files and update links to related files.

Dialog window

A document window in a modal state. Its behavior is similar to the behavior of a window when a running script is paused. You can create and customize a dialog window using the New Window script step.

Document window

A standard modeless FileMaker Pro Advanced window. You can create and customize a document window using the New Window script step.

Domain name

A name that identifies a computer on the Internet.

Domain name server (DNS)

A server that matches up the URL of a website (for example with its proper numeric IP address (for example


The ODBC or JDBC driver translates SQL queries into commands that a DBMS can understand. It processes ODBC/JDBC calls, submits SQL requests to the data source, and returns the data back to the driver manager, which then routes it to the requesting application (for example, FileMaker Pro Advanced).

Driver manager

The control panel that manages communication between requesting applications and data sources. When an application makes a request via ODBC/JDBC, the driver manager routes the request through the correct driver to the correct data source and returns the data to the requesting application. All ODBC/JDBC drivers and data sources to be used on that computer are registered with the driver manager.

Drop-down calendar

A field set up to display an interactive monthly calendar when a user enters the field in Browse or Find mode.

DTD (Document Type Definition)

A formal description of a particular type of XML. It defines a document structure, including the names of data elements and where they may occur within the structure. Valid XML conforms to the rules established in its DTD.

Dynamic guides

In Layout mode, guidelines that extend horizontally and vertically to help you move, resize, or align objects. Dynamic guides also "snap to" the upper and lower boundaries and the centers of objects as you move, resize, or align the objects.



For container fields, a file that is stored in the container field. Container data can also be stored by reference or stored externally.

Encryption password

The password required to open an encrypted file. For FileMaker Pro Advanced, the encryption password is required for the FileMaker Pro Advanced user who opens the file, but not for the client who opens a file hosted by FileMaker Pro Advanced. FileMaker Pro Advanced is required to enable, disable, or change an encryption password.

Envelope layout

A predefined layout with fields arranged for printing on standard business envelopes.


A type of fast local area network used for connecting computers and peripherals within the same building or campus.


To save data from one file so that it can be used in another file or in another application.


A value or any calculation that produces a value. Expressions can contain functions, field values, variables, and constants. Expressions can be combined to produce other expressions.

Extended privilege

Privileges that determine the data sharing and other options that are permitted by a privilege set for a file. For example, the Access via FileMaker Network (fmapp) extended privilege determines whether the privilege set allows accessing the file via FileMaker Pro Advanced and FileMaker Go clients.

External script

A script used by a file, but defined in a different file. Use the Perform Script script step to select a defined script from a related file, or to select a file reference to a file on your hard drive or network.


Favorites window

A window where you view, add, remove, and reorder favorite files.


The basic unit of data in a record. You define a field to hold a specific, discrete category of data, such as Last Name, Employee Photo, or to display the result of a calculation. You can define text, number, date, time, timestamp, container, calculation, and summary fields. Field can also refer to the object on a layout that displays the data, such as an edit box, checkbox set, or pop-up menu.

Field boundary

In Layout mode, an outline that shows the size of a field. To see field boundaries, choose View menu > Show > Field Boundaries. These boundaries only appear in Layout mode. However, you can use the Appearance Appearance tab in the Inspector to format objects to have borders that do appear in Browse mode and when you print the layout.

Field label

Text on a layout or within a field that identifies a field. A field label can be the field name, other text (such as instructions), or the result of a calculation. Field labels can appear in various positions outside the field or as placeholder text within the field. You can change or delete a field label if you want.

Field name

The name you assign to a field when you define the field. When you place a field onto a layout, you can have FileMaker Pro Advanced also place an editable field label that matches the field name. You can also use the field name as placeholder text. Fully qualified fields are displayed in tablename::fieldname format.

Field type

The part of a field definition that determines what kind of data you can enter in the field and the kinds of operations FileMaker Pro Advanced can perform with the data. FileMaker Pro Advanced can create text, number, date, time, timestamp, container, calculation, and summary fields. (Global fields contain the same value for all records in the file and can be of any type except summary.)

Fields tab

In Layout mode, a tab in the objects pane where you create fields and drag them to the layout. To open the Fields tab, click Objects pane button in the status toolbar, then click Fields. Or choose View menu > Objects > Fields Tab.

File ID

Also file identification. A numeric identifier for a data file.

File path

The location of a file in an operating system as identified by the drive, folders, filename, and file extension.

FileMaker Cloud

A service that provides access in the cloud to custom apps that use FileMaker Pro Advanced, FileMaker Go, and FileMaker WebDirect. FileMaker Cloud uses the FileMaker ID integrated sign-on system to authenticate users. FileMaker Cloud is offered directly from FileMaker, Inc.

FileMaker Cloud for AWS

A service that provides access in the cloud to custom apps that use FileMaker Pro Advanced, FileMaker Go, and FileMaker WebDirect. FileMaker Cloud for AWS runs on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud and is offered through AWS Marketplace.

FileMaker Cloud product

Refers to either FileMaker Cloud for AWS or FileMaker Cloud.

FileMaker Customer Console

A web application for working with files hosted by FileMaker Cloud and for managing FileMaker ID accounts, groups, hosts, settings, and subscriptions.

FileMaker Go

An application that lets you work with FileMaker Pro Advanced solutions (developed in FileMaker Pro Advanced) on iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad.

FileMaker ID

Refers to either the FileMaker ID integrated sign-on system for authenticating users of FileMaker products and services, or a FileMaker ID account, which authenticates a FileMaker ID user in the FileMaker ID system.

FileMaker ID user name

The email address used for a FileMaker ID account.

FileMaker Network

A communications method that allows you to share files hosted by FileMaker Server, a FileMaker Cloud product, or FileMaker Pro Advanced with others over a network who are using FileMaker Pro Advanced or FileMaker Go. The FileMaker Network settings and privileges you set up determine how other users (clients) can open and use the shared file.

FileMaker WebDirect

A web application for accessing layouts from files in a web browser. Web clients use FileMaker WebDirect to access layouts from files hosted by FileMaker Server or a FileMaker Cloud product.

Find mode

The FileMaker Pro Advanced mode in which you specify criteria for finding a subset of records.

(Use Browse mode to enter and edit your information; use Layout mode to design how your information is displayed. Use Find mode to find records that match search criteria; use Preview mode to display how your records will print.)

Find request

In Find mode, a blank form based on the current layout. Enter search criteria into one or more fields of the find request.


A security system used to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to a LAN. A firewall usually has a single computer that is connected to the Internet, and all Internet traffic must pass through that computer.

Floating document window

A standard modeless FileMaker Pro Advanced window that stays on top of other windows while users work in FileMaker Pro Advanced. You can create and customize a floating window using the New Window script step.


Indicates that a record, portal row, tab, option, field, repeating field repetition, layout part, or layout object that has been activated by a click, the Tab key, a navigation button, or a script can then be acted upon in some way. For example, you can change the value in a field that has the focus; you can work with the data that's in a record that has the focus; a calculation function can return the number of the portal row that has the focus.

Footer part

Use the footer part for page numbers or dates. This part appears at the bottom of every screen or page (unless you add a title footer). You can have only one footer in a layout. A field in the footer displays data from the last record on that page.

Foreign key

In relational databases, a field in one table that identifies a record in another table. Values in foreign keys don't have to be unique in the table, and they can be empty (null). There may be multiple foreign keys in a table.

Form View

Displays one record at a time. By default, fields appear on separate lines. To select this view, click Form View in the layout bar.

Formatting bar

In Layout and Browse modes, the area that displays options for formatting text and objects. To show or hide the formatting bar, click Formatting Formatting bar button in the layout bar.


Formatting bar in Layout mode

Formatting bar in Layout mode in macOS


A set of instructions for calculating a value.

Found set

The set of records in a table that are made active when you search for data. When you find all records, the found set is the entire table.

Full Access privilege set

One of the three predefined privilege sets that appear in every file. The Full Access privilege set allows complete read/write access to a file, including making changes to privileges for the file.

Fully qualified name

The complete name of a field or layout, expressed using the format tableName::[field or layout name], where tableName is the name of the underlying table occurrence in the relationships graph upon which the field or layout is based. A fully qualified name identifies an exact instance of a field or layout. Because fields and layouts with common names can be based on different tables, FileMaker Pro Advanced uses fully qualified names to avoid errors in calculations and scripts.


A predefined, named formula that performs a specific calculation and returns a single, specific value.

Function list separator

The punctuation character ; (a semicolon) that separates parameters in a function definition. If you type a comma (,), FileMaker Pro Advanced changes it to a semicolon after you close the Specify Calculation dialog box.

Function variable

A variable whose scope is limited to a function. A function variable has no prefix (for example, variable).



A virtual boundary around a geographic location.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

A platform-independent file format often used to distribute graphics on the Internet.

Global field

A field defined with the global storage option can contain one value that's used for all records in a file. Use the value of a global field as a fixed value in calculations, to define variables in If or Loop script steps, or for fields that rarely need to be updated (for example, a company logo in a container field). A global field can be any field type except summary. A global field can't be indexed.

Global variable

A variable that can be used in a calculation or script anywhere in a file—for example, other scripts or file paths. The value of a global variable is not cleared until the file is closed. A global variable is prefixed by $$ (for example, $$variable).


A precise description of a formal language, such as XML, consisting of sets of rules for how strings (words) in the language can be generated, and how the strings can be recognized as part of the language.

Grand summary

Total or other aggregate value for all records in the found set.

Grand summary part

Use grand summary parts to view and display summary information (totals, averages, and so on) in summary fields for all records in the found set. You can add one grand summary part at the top (leading) and one grand summary part at the bottom (trailing) of a layout.


In Layout mode, a series of nonprinting intersecting horizontal and vertical lines. The grid aligns objects you create, resize, move, or position. Objects "snap to" the grid to help you create and edit objects more precisely. Gridlines adjust when you change the unit of measure.


In FileMaker ID, a subset of users in a team. Groups are created by a team manager.

Grouped object

A collection of objects that behaves as one object in Layout mode.


A user who opens a protected file without specifying an account name and password. The Guest account is assigned a privilege set that determines what guests can do in the file. Guest access may be disabled for a file.


Nonprinting, movable horizontal and vertical guidelines to help you position and align objects in Layout mode. An object's left or right boundary, top or bottom boundary, or center "snaps to" a guide.



One of the small squares surrounding a selected object, and used to resize and reshape the object.

Header part

Use a header part for column headings, titles, and other information that appears only at the top of every page on a layout. FileMaker Pro Advanced displays the header in Browse mode and prints it on every page, except the first page if you add a title header. Fields added to a header are printed on every page, using data from the first record on that page.


The starting page for a website. It often has some form of a table of contents that allows viewers to link to other parts of the website.


FileMaker Server, FileMaker Cloud products, and FileMaker Pro Advanced can open and share a file for other users (clients) to access. All changes are stored in the file on the computer where the file resides. FileMaker Network settings and privileges determine how FileMaker clients interact with the hosted files.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

A language that is used for displaying and accessing information on the World Wide Web.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)

The Internet protocol that defines how a web server responds to requests for files.



A device that transmits a Bluetooth low-energy signal that iOS devices can detect to determine location and proximity to the iBeacon.


To bring (copy) data from a table, another file, or another application into the current table. You can also import scripts from one FileMaker Pro Advanced file into another.


An option that can be enabled when defining (or changing) the definition of a field. When indexing is enabled, FileMaker Pro Advanced builds a list of all the values that occur in the field in the table. This improves the performance of tasks such as finding data, but it increases the size of the file on disk.

Inline scroll bar

A scroll bar that appears only while scrolling is occurring.


In Layout mode, allows you to view and edit the settings for objects, layout parts, and the layout background. To open the Inspector, click Inspector pane button in the status toolbar. Or choose View menu > Inspectors > Inspector.

Interactive container

A container field for which the Interactive content option in the Inspector is selected. Interactive containers are rendered using the web browser technologies that web viewer uses.


An international network of many other networks that are linked using the TCP/IP network protocol.

Internet service provider (ISP)

The company from which you purchase your connection to the Internet.


A private TCP/IP network of linked computers within a company or organization.

IP (Internet Protocol) address

For IPv4, a four-part number, usually formatted as, that uniquely identifies a computer on the Internet; for IPv6, an eight-part number, usually formatted as [2001:0DB8:85A3:08D3:1319:8A2E:0370:7334], that uniquely identifies a computer on the Internet. When referenced in an application, IPv6 addresses must be contained in brackets; for example, [2001:0DB8:85A3:08D3:1319:8A2E:0370:7334].

J, K


A Java API that uses SQL statements to access data from, and exchange data with, many database management systems. The JDBC driver communicates between your Java applet and the FileMaker Pro Advanced, FileMaker Server, or FileMaker Cloud for AWS data source.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

A platform-independent file format often used to distribute graphics on the Internet.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

A lightweight data-interchange format used by many web services to transfer data objects composed of name-value pairs.


A column (or columns) that makes a particular row unique (corresponds to a match field).


A FileMaker solution that runs full screen, without toolbars or menus. Users click buttons to navigate. Use the Developer Utilities to create Kiosk solutions. You can bind Kiosk solutions into standalone runtime solutions.


Labels layout

A predefined layout with fields arranged for printing horizontally or vertically on mailing label stock, and media and index sheets.

LAN (local area network)

A connection between computers within a location using cable or a wireless system.


An arrangement of fields, objects, pictures, and layout parts that represents the way information is organized and presented when you browse, preview, or print records. You can design different layouts for entering data, printing reports and mailing labels, displaying webpages, and so on.

Layout background

The bottommost layer of a layout. You can change the appearance of the background—for example, with an image or a gradient—which displays only when the layout part (above the layout background) is transparent.

Layout bar

In the status toolbar, the area that displays options for working with layouts, such as the Layout pop-up menu.


Layout bar in Browse mode

Layout bar in Browse mode in Windows


Layout bar in Layout mode

Layout bar in Layout mode in macOS

Layout mode

The FileMaker Pro Advanced mode in which you determine how information in fields is presented on the screen and in printed reports.

(Use Browse mode to enter and edit your information; use Layout mode to design how your information is displayed. Use Find mode to find records that match search criteria; use Preview mode to display how your records will print.)

Layout part

A section of a layout that organizes or summarizes information. Layout parts include body, header, footer, title header, title footer, top navigation, bottom navigation, leading and trailing grand summary, and leading and trailing subsummary.

Layout pop-up menu

In the layout bar, a pop-up menu from which you can choose Manage Layouts (Layout mode) or a defined layout (all modes).

Layout theme

A collection of coordinated styles that determine the color, object, part, and background attributes, and the fonts used on a layout. Themes also enhance the appearance of a layout or report and give all your layouts a consistent look. A theme does not control the placement or behavior of fields or objects on a layout. A theme is assigned when you create a new layout, but you can change the theme in Layout mode. You can also create a theme by changing the styles used for the layout, and then saving the theme with a new name.

Layout tools

In the status toolbar in Layout mode, a collection of tools that includes the Selection tool (pointer), Text tool, Line tool, Rectangle tool, Rounded Rectangle tool, Oval tool, Field/Control tool, Button tool, Popover Button tool, Button Bar tool, Tab Control tool, Slide Control tool, Portal tool, Chart tool, Web Viewer tool, Field tool, Part tool, and Format Painter tool.

Layout types

FileMaker Pro Advanced includes several predefined types of layouts and reports to display on different types of devices (such as laptop computer screens or touch device screens), for different purposes (such as browsing records, entering data, or printing reports, mailing labels, or envelopes). After you choose a layout type, you can make additional choices.

To use a predefined layout type, in Layout mode, click New Layout/Report in the status toolbar. The assistant guides you through creating the type of layout or report you want. After you finish the assistant, use the tools and commands in Layout mode to tailor the layout for your needs.

Licensed user

A FileMaker ID user who is assigned a team license.

List View

Displays records one record at a time in a list format. To select this view, click List View in the layout bar.

List view layout

A type of Report layout in which fields that you specify appear in columns across the screen or page in one line. Field names are in the header part and the footer part is blank.

Local notification

A notification that is sent and delivered on the same device. Local notifications appear even when the FileMaker client is not in the foreground.

Local variable

A variable that can be used only within the current script. A local variable is prefixed by $ (for example, $variable).

Locked object

An object on a layout that cannot be edited or deleted. To lock or unlock an object, select it in Layout mode. In the Inspector, click the Position Position tab, then choose Lock or Unlock in the Arrange & Align area. If an object is locked, its selection handles dim.


A lookup matches records and copies data from a related table into a field in the current table. After data is copied, it becomes part of the current table (as well as existing in the table it was copied from). Data copied to a table doesn't automatically change when the values in the related table change.

Lookup source field

The field in the related table that contains the data you want copied during a lookup.

Lookup target field

The field that you want data copied to during a lookup.


Many-to-many relationship

A correspondence between data in database tables in which more than one record in the first table is related to more than one record in another table, and more than one record in that table is related to more than one record in the first table.

Master-detail layout

A layout that displays a list of items in one area and the details about a selected item in another area. For example, in the list of email messages in your inbox, you can click one message to see details such as the date, sender, and body.

Match field

For relational databases and lookups, a field in a source table and a field in a related table that contain values you want to use to find matching records. (A match field is sometimes called a key field or trigger field.) In the relationships graph, match fields appear in italics.

For importing records, values in the match fields determine which records in the source table update which records in the target table.


A list of menu items. Each menu has a title that appears on the menu bar.

Menu bar

The area at the top of the window (Windows) or screen (macOS) that displays the installed menu set.

Menu item

One item listed in a menu on the menu bar. A menu item corresponds with one command, submenu, or separator.

Menu item properties

All the settings for a menu item, including platform, display title, shortcut, and action.

Menu set

The collection of menus that installs on the menu bar.

Merge field

A placeholder on a layout for the contents of a field. A merge field expands or contracts in Browse and Preview modes, or when printed, to fit the amount of data in the field for each record.

Merge fields are useful for mail merge form letters; FileMaker Pro Advanced uses merge fields in predefined Labels and Envelope layouts.

Merge variable

A variable inserted onto a layout that displays values from a or global variable onto the layout of the current record. You see the merge variable value in Browse, Find, and Preview modes, and when you print records.

Modal window

A window that requires user action before users can continue working in FileMaker Pro Advanced. Use a modal window to display alert messages or to collect information from users.


In FileMaker Pro Advanced, the four different environments (Browse, Find, Layout, and Preview) that you use to work with your file.

Multikey field

A match field that contains more than one value, each on a separate line. A multikey field can be used in one table involved in a relationship, to match several possible values in the match field of the other table. Sometimes called a complex key field.

My Apps window

For FileMaker ID users, a window that displays the files your FileMaker ID account has access to, information about your account, and a link to FileMaker Customer Console.


Navigation part

A layout part that appears above a title header part (top navigation part) or below a title footer part (bottom navigation part), and can contain fields, objects, and other controls to help users navigate a layout or solution. Navigation parts do not print or preview.

New Layout/Report assistant

The New Layout/Report assistant guides you through creating a layout or report according to options you choose. In Layout mode, click New Layout/Report in the status toolbar, or choose Layouts menu > New Layout/Report.


OAuth identity provider

A service that uses OAuth to authenticate a user. OAuth is an authorization framework that enables third-party applications to authenticate users without the users sharing their credentials with the third party.


On a FileMaker Pro Advanced layout, an object is a discrete entity or shape that you can select, move, modify, delete, or name. Lines, fields, buttons, popovers, panel controls, portals, imported graphics, blocks of text, tab controls, and web viewers are objects. Some objects, such as portals, have multiple components; for example, a portal row is a component of a portal.

Object component

An element of an object, such as a portal row of a portal or a slide panel of a slide control.

Objects pane

In Layout mode, a pane that includes the Fields tab and the Objects tab. To open the objects pane, click Objects pane button in the status toolbar. Or choose View menu > Objects > Fields Tab or Objects Tab.

Objects tab

In Layout mode, a tab in the objects pane where you view a hierarchical list of all objects that are on the layout; select, hide, and name objects; and change the stacking order. To open the Objects tab, click Objects pane button in the status toolbar, then click Objects. Or choose View menu > Objects > Objects Tab.

OData (Open Data Protocol)

A REST-based protocol for querying and updating data, which is built on standardized technologies such as HTTP, Atom/XML, and JSON.


An API that uses SQL statements to access data from, and exchange data with, many database management systems. FileMaker Pro Advanced uses ODBC drivers to share data (as a data source) and to interact with data from other applications (as a client application).

Omitted record

A record that has been excluded temporarily from the found set (but not from the file). You can view omitted records by choosing Records menu > Show Omitted Only, or add omitted records back to the found set by choosing Records menu > Show All Records.

1-away relationship

A correspondence between database tables in which two tables are directly related to each other, with no other tables between them.

One-to-many relationship

A correspondence between data in database tables in which one record in the first table is related to more than one record in another table.

One-to-one relationship

A correspondence between data in database tables in which one record in the first table is related to one record in another table.


Components of a formula. For example, in the formula Quantity*Price, Quantity and Price are the operands.


In calculations, symbols that indicate how to combine two or more expressions. These include the standard arithmetic operators (+, -, /, *), logical operators that set up conditions that must be met to make a value true or false (AND, OR, XOR, and NOT), and find operators (<, =, @) that help you limit the records defined in a find request.

In the relationships graph, symbols that define the match criteria between one or more pairs of fields in two tables. These include: != (not equal), > (greater than), < (less than), = (equal), <= (less than or equal to), >= (greater than or equal to) and x (all rows, or Cartesian product).


Panel control

Panel controls include the tab control and slide control. Individual panels of these controls are tab panels and slide panels, respectively.

Parent script

A script that defines script parameters and can call other scripts.

Part label

In Layout mode, the label that appears at the left or side of the bottom dividing line of each layout part. By dragging it up or down, you can use the part label to resize a part. You can also open the Part Definitions dialog box by double-clicking the label.

Permitted list

In the Preferences dialog box, the list of hosts and plug-ins that the user has permitted FileMaker Pro Advanced to use even though their security could not be verified.

PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)

An open-source programming language primarily used in server-side application software to create dynamic webpages. FileMaker Server lets you publish data from FileMaker Pro Advanced files on customized webpages created with PHP.

Placeholder text

A type of field label that displays within a field. Placeholder text can be a field name, other text (such as instructions), or the result of a calculation. In Layout mode, placeholder text is indicated by a Placeholder Text badge on a field.


A third-party software component that extends the capabilities of FileMaker Pro Advanced through FileMaker Pro Advanced external calculation functions and external script steps.


A layout object that can contain other layout objects. Popovers include a content area (where objects are placed) and can include a title. You open a popover by clicking a popover button. Popovers reposition on the screen as needed to stay in view.

Popover button

A layout object that opens a popover.


A layout object that displays data in rows from records that are in a related table or the current table.

Preview mode

The FileMaker Pro Advanced mode in which you see how layouts will look when they're printed.

(Use Browse mode to enter and edit your information; use Layout mode to design how your information is displayed. Use Find mode to find records that match search criteria; use Preview mode to display how your records will print.)

Primary file

In a runtime solution, the file that connects all of the auxiliary files and opens when you start the runtime application. From the Developer Utilities, you can select a primary file for solutions that have more than one file.

Primary key

In relational databases, a field that is in the same table as the record it identifies. A primary key value must be unique and not empty (non-null). There is only one primary key in a table.

Privilege set

A defined set of permissions that determines a level of access to a file. You can define as many privilege sets as you like for a file. There are three predefined privilege sets: Full Access, Data Entry Only, and Read-Only Access.


In the Script Workspace, an error, omission, or other inaccuracy found in a script.



Retrieving, manipulating, or modifying data from a data source by sending SQL statements. Also, requesting, and then receiving, data from a DBMS. You can also add, edit, format, sort, and perform calculations on your data using queries.

Quick find

In Browse mode, searches records across multiple fields on a layout.


Read-Only Access privilege set

One of the three predefined privilege sets that appear in every file. The Read-Only Access privilege set allows read access to the records in a file, but not write or design access.

Recent window

A window that displays files you've recently opened. You can remove recent files.


One set of fields in a database table. Each record contains data about a single activity, individual, subject, or transaction.


If a file is damaged (for example, from an unexpected quit during a hard-drive update), you can attempt to recover the file. FileMaker Pro Advanced preserves as much data (the file's schema and structure and its tables, records, layouts, scripts, and field definitions) as possible.

Recurring import

A method of setting up a file to automatically import read-only data from another file. With recurring import, imported data refreshes when you open the file, view the layout that contains the imported data for the first time during a FileMaker Pro Advanced session, or run a data update script.

Recursive script

A script that calls itself.

Related field

For relational databases, a field in one table that is related to a field in another table (or to a different field within the same table). If a relationship is defined between two tables (even through another table), data in fields in one table can be accessed from the other table.

Related record

A record in the related table whose match field (according to the relationship used) contains a value that's equal to the value in the match field of another table.

Related table

For relational databases, the table that contains the data you want to access and work with in the current table. For lookups, the table that contains the data to copy.

Relational database

A group of one or more databases that, when used together, contain all the data you need. Each occurrence of data is stored in only one table at a time, but can be accessed in any table, either in the same file or from a related file. Data from another table or file is displayed in the current table without being copied, and the data changes whenever the values in the other table or file change.


Relationships provide access to data from one table to another. Relationships can join one record in one table to one record in another table, one record to many other records, or all records in one table to all records in another table, depending on the criteria you specify when you create the relationship in the relationships graph.

Relationships graph

In the Relationships tab of the Manage Database dialog box, you can see the occurrences of tables both in the current file and from any external, related files. In this relationships graph, you join tables and change relationships between fields in different tables.

When you create a new table, a visual representation, or occurrence, of the table appears in the relationships graph. You can specify multiple occurrences (with unique names) of the same table in order to work with complex relationships in the graph.

Repeating field

A field containing multiple, separate values.

Report layout

A predefined layout type for setting up reports. You can create a layout with simple rows and columns of data (as in a list), or a complex report with grouped data (subsummary reports). The fields that you specify appear in columns across the screen or page in one line. Field names are in the header part and the footer part is blank.

Report with grouped data

A subsummary report that you create using the Report layout type. Reports with grouped data can include totals and subtotals.


When a layout is viewed in Table View, a row corresponds to a record.

Runtime solution

A solution that does not require FileMaker Pro Advanced in order to be used. Use the Developer Utilities to bind a primary file and any auxiliary files to produce a standalone runtime solution.


Sample app

A category of professionally designed FileMaker Pro Advanced files customized for managing common business tasks on iPad, iPhone, the desktop, or the web.


In database terminology, a schema is the organization of the tables, the fields in each table, and the relationships between fields and tables.

Screen stencils

In Layout mode, nonprinting guides that help you design layouts for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, or computers with different screen resolutions.


One or more instructions (script steps) that you define to automate repetitive or difficult tasks. You create and manage scripts using the Script Workspace. You run a script by clicking its button, choosing its menu command, calling it from another script or a plug-in, or running it at startup or when a file closes.

Script Debugger

An advanced tool for debugging FileMaker Pro Advanced scripts.

Script step

A command that you include in a script.

Script trigger

A mechanism that causes a specified script to run when a particular event occurs.

Search criteria

In Find mode, the values and operators you specify to locate records. For example, if you type ABC Travel in the Vendor field, FileMaker Pro Advanced looks for and returns all records that have this name in the Vendor field.


The protection that's placed on a file. Security includes various types of accounts to authenticate users, levels of privilege sets to determine what can be done with a file, and authorization of other files to create references to the current file (including its tables, layouts, scripts, and value lists). Security also includes extended privileges, which determine the data sharing options that are permitted by a privilege set.


A component of a button bar object. Each segment can be defined as a button or popover button.

Selected tab

In the Script Workspace, the tab that's in the foreground, in which you can create or edit a script.


A relationship between fields in the same table. This creates another occurrence of the table in the relationships graph.


A line within a menu that separates or groups menu items. A separator can also be the character used to separate parts of a date, time, or number, or the semicolon (;) used to separate parameters in a function definition.

Serial number

A unique number entered by FileMaker Pro Advanced for each record. You can tell FileMaker Pro Advanced to automatically enter a serial number for each record by setting the Auto-Enter options in the Options for Field dialog box. You can also serialize records in Browse mode by choosing Records menu > Replace Field Contents.

Shared file

A file for which sharing has been enabled, which permits users to access the file over a network. FileMaker Server, FileMaker Cloud products, and FileMaker Pro Advanced each support one or more of the following ways to share files: FileMaker Network sharing, which permits multiple FileMaker Pro Advanced or FileMaker Go users to use a file simultaneously; publishing of files to web browser users via FileMaker WebDirect, Custom Web Publishing, or the FileMaker Data API; and sharing of data with other applications via ODBC/JDBC.

Shared ID

A case-sensitive ID from 1 to 32 characters long that links encrypted files in a multifile solution.


Also known as keyboard shortcut. One or more keys that users can press to perform tasks.

Shortcut menu

Use to edit objects or data quickly by choosing commands from a shortcut, or context, menu. Commands vary depending on the mode you're using, the item the cursor is over, and whether an item is selected.

To display a shortcut menu, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (macOS) the item.

Slide control

A layout object made up of one or more slide panels, allowing you to organize fields and other objects within each slide panel's borders.


Slide control in Browse mode

Slide control showing a slide panel in Browse mode

Slide panel

A component of a slide control. The slide panel is the area displayed when a dot in a slide control is selected. You can place objects such as lines, fields, buttons, portals, imported graphics, blocks of text, tab controls, slide controls, and web viewers on slide panels.


In the status toolbar, the navigation control for quickly moving to a record in your file based on its location in the file. In Browse mode, moving the slider changes the current record. In Find mode, moving the slider changes the current find request. In Layout mode, moving the slider changes the current layout. In Preview mode, moving the slider changes the current page.

Sliding objects

Objects that move together to close gaps left by entries in adjacent fields.

Set sliding in Layout mode, in the Sliding & Visibility area of the Position Position tab in the Inspector.

Snapshot link

A found set of records that is saved in the FileMaker Pro Snapshot Link (FMPSL) format, with the filename extension .fmpsl. A snapshot link captures and preserves the found set as it was when you performed the find request. You can also email an FMPSL file to another person.


See custom app.

Sort order

The sequence for rearranging records. Records are sorted by the first field in the sort order list, then the second, and so on. Values within each field are sorted by the order specified (ascending, descending, or custom).

Source file

The file from which you bring data during importing or exporting, or the file from which you add a table to the relationships graph.

Source table

The table upon which one or more table occurrences in the relationships graph are based. The source table is the table defined in the Tables tab of the Manage Database dialog box.


A structured programming query language that controls and interacts with a DBMS.

Stacking order

The order in which objects overlap on a layout. In Layout mode, you can change this order in the Inspector or the Objects tab.

Standard form layout

The default layout, with all fields arranged on separate lines in the order they were defined. The body part is only as tall as it needs to be to include all the fields in the file. This layout includes header and footer parts.

Starter app

A category of predefined apps that track multiple related items and are a good place to start when creating your first custom app. You can extend Starter apps by combining them with Add-on Tables.

Startup script

A script that automatically runs when a file is opened. You can script such things as setting system formats to the user's formats or setting a file to be shared in a startup script.

You specify a startup script in the OnFirstWindowOpen script trigger in the File Options dialog box.

Status toolbar

The area across the top of the document window that displays navigation controls, customizable buttons, and a layout bar for working with layouts. In Layout mode, it includes layout tools.


Status toolbar in Browse mode

Status toolbar in Browse mode


Status toolbar in Layout mode

Status toolbar in Layout mode

If you don't see the status toolbar, choose View menu > Status Toolbar.


In FileMaker Pro Advanced, the organization of file elements such as scripts, layouts, value lists, and privileges. You interact with a file's schema through its structure.


A collection of attributes, such as font, color, line style, and text alignment, that determines the appearance of a layout.


A menu that extends from another menu item.


A script that is called from another script.

Subsummary parts

Use summary parts to view and display information from one or more records. You place a summary field in a summary part to display a summary of information for each group of records sorted on the break field. You can add one or more subsummaries above (leading) or below (trailing) the body.

Subsummary value

Aggregate values for different categories of data within a field. For example, a subsummary value can be the total of employees for each department.

Summary field

A field that contains the result of a summary calculation of values across a group of records.

Supplemental field

A FileMaker Pro Advanced calculation field or summary field that you can append to ODBC tables in order to do calculations on the external data while working in FileMaker Pro Advanced. The calculations are not stored and you are not changing the schema of the ODBC table.

System formats

Settings that determine how your operating system displays and sorts dates, times, numbers, and currency.

If the system formats are different on your computer from those on the computer on which the file was created, the first time you open the file, FileMaker Pro Advanced asks if you want to use the system's settings or the file's settings. When you format fields, you can use the Inspector to have data displayed according to the current system formats.


Tab control

A layout object made up of one or more tab panels that allows you to organize fields and other objects within each tab panel's borders.


Tab control and tab panels in Browse mode

Tab control showing a tab panel in Browse mode

Tab order

The order in which you move from field to field in a record. In Layout mode, you can define a custom tab order and include buttons, panel controls, and web viewers in the tab order.

Tab panel

A component of a tab control. The tab panel is the area displayed when a tab in a tab control is selected. You can place objects such as lines, fields, buttons, portals, imported graphics, blocks of text, tab controls, slide controls, and web viewers on tab panels.


A collection of data pertaining to a subject, such as customers or stock prices. A database contains one or more tables, which consist of fields and records. When you create a new table, a visual representation, or occurrence, of the table appears in the relationships graph. You can specify multiple table occurrences (with unique names) of the same table in order to work with complex relationships in the graph.

Table occurrence

In the relationships graph, a separate view into a single underlying source table.

Table View

Displays multiple records in a tabular format like a spreadsheet. Each record appears in a row, and each field appears in a column. To select this view, click Table View in the layout bar.

In Browse mode, you can use Table View to create, modify, and delete fields; choose field types; add, delete, and sort records; or create a chart or dynamic report.

Target file

The file into which you bring data during importing or exporting.

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

The basic communication protocol that is the foundation of the Internet.


A set of FileMaker ID users who are authorized by the same purchase agreement.

Team manager

A FileMaker ID user who manages a team's FileMaker ID accounts and other team resources.


A predefined website that you can select in the Web Viewer Setup dialog box to help you create a web viewer quickly.

Text baseline

In Layout mode, the guideline that appears at the base of the text in a field or text block. Text baselines can be solid, dotted, or dashed. If you want text baselines to also appear in Browse and Find modes, select Text baselines in the Appearance Appearance tab in the Inspector.

Text expression

Any expression that returns a text result. For example, a text expression can be a constant ("London"), a field reference (Status), or a calculated value (Rightwords(Lastname;1)).


A field type combining date and time that is compatible with the ODBC requirement for the SQL format [ hh:mm:ss.sss].


A small box that displays text when a user pauses the pointer over a layout object. Tooltips display in Browse, Find, and Layout modes.



A worldwide standard that, in one code page, provides a unique number for every character in human languages, no matter what the platform, software program, or operating system.

Unit of measure

In Browse and Layout modes, you can set the unit of measure to points, inches, or centimeters.

Unstored calculation

A calculation field with a result that is only calculated when the value is needed, for example, to browse or print. In most cases, FileMaker Pro Advanced makes a field stored when you define it, but you can change the storage type to unstored.

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

A web address, which consists of a protocol, a host name, and optionally a port, a directory, and a filename. For example, ,, or fmp://


Value list

To save time and ensure accuracy during data entry, define frequently used text, number, date, or time values as a value list. When you enter data, you can choose from the list of defined values.

You can format value lists to display in a drop-down list or pop-up menu, or as checkboxes or option (radio) buttons. The values in a value list can be user-defined or based on the values in a field in the same file or in a different file. You can also define relationships for use with value lists, to access and display particular related values. Another option is to use a value list from another file.


In a calculation, a symbol or name that represents a value. Use certain script steps such as Set Variable or functions such as Let to specify the name, value, and repetition of the variable. Names prefixed by $ are local variables available only within the current script. Prefix the name with $$ to make the variable available throughout the current file (global). Local and global variables can have the same name but they are treated as different variables. Function variables have no prefix.


An arrangement of your data primarily useful for onscreen manipulation. In Browse mode, Find mode, or Preview mode, Form View displays individual records, List View displays records in a list, and Table View displays records in a spreadsheet-like table format.

W, X, Y, Z

Web address

The calculated expression that you enter in the Web Viewer Setup dialog box. A web address is not equivalent to a URL that a web user could enter in a web browser.

Web browser

An application that you can use to view webpages or websites on the World Wide Web or an intranet. Browsers download the webpages to the viewer's computer.


An HTML document displayed on the Internet or on an intranet.

Web server

A computer that is connected to the Internet or an intranet and has a web server application installed on it. Web server applications deliver webpages and associated files to web browsers.


One or more webpages connected by links and displayed on the Internet or an intranet.

Web user

Someone using a web browser to access a FileMaker Pro Advanced file published on the World Wide Web or an intranet.

Web viewer

A layout object that allows you to display information from websites based on data in your file.

World Wide Web

An interlinked collection of webpages residing on web servers, and other documents, menus, and files, which are available via URLs.

X-axis data

In a column, stacked column, line, and area chart, the data series you are comparing (for example, company name).

In a bar or stacked bar chart, the data series you are measuring (for example, annual sales).

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)

XSLT (XSL Transformations) is a subset of XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) that is used to transform, or change, the structure of an XML document into a different document format. For example, you can use an XSLT style sheet to transform an XML document into an HTML or TXT document.

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

Instead of being a rigid file format, XML is a language for defining agreed-upon formats that groups can use for exchanging data. Many organizations and businesses are using XML to transfer product information, transactions, inventory, and other business data.

FileMaker Pro Advanced can export XML data that can then be used, for example, by spreadsheet applications, data charting applications, and enterprise SQL databases. FileMaker Pro Advanced can also import XML data.

Y-axis data

In a column, stacked column, line, and area chart, the data series you are measuring (for example, annual sales).

In a bar or stacked bar chart, the data series you are comparing (for example, company name).