Broadens the existing found set using the current or stored find requests.
Extending (broadening) a found set
Specify find requests allows you to create and store a find request with the script step. Restore
indicates a stored find request.
Product | Supported |
FileMaker Pro Advanced | Yes |
FileMaker Go | Yes |
FileMaker WebDirect | Yes |
FileMaker Server | Yes |
FileMaker Cloud products | Yes |
FileMaker Data API | Yes |
Custom Web Publishing | Yes |
Runtime solution | Yes |
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
This script step is equivalent to a logical OR search. Otherwise, Extend Found Set is similar to the Perform Find script step.
Extends the found set to include unpaid invoices.
Show Custom Dialog ["Include unpaid invoices in the found set?"]
If [Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = 1]
Enter Find Mode [Pause: Off]
Set Field [Invoices::Status; "Unpaid"]
Extend Found Set [Restore]
End If