Adding and viewing data > Entering data in records > Copying and moving data in records
Copying and moving data in records
You can copy or move data to a field in the same record or a different record. You can also copy and paste text from the Clipboard with or without formatting.
Do this in Browse mode
Copy or move a value from one field to another
Select the contents of the field, then choose Edit menu > Copy or Cut. Display another record, if needed. Click the field to hold the data, then choose Edit menu > Paste.
Copy a value from a field in the last record that you accessed
Click the field that you want to hold the data, then choose Insert menu > From Last Visited Record.
Copy values in a record to another application, like a word processor
With no field selected, choose Edit menu > Copy. In the other application, paste the record that's on the Clipboard.
Copy all data in a record (including any related records in a portal and fields on tab panels or slide panels that are on the front-most panel)
With no fields selected, choose Edit menu > Copy.
Note  Fields on tab panels or slide panels that are not on the front-most panel and fields on closed popovers are not copied.
Copy all records in the found set to the Clipboard (but not data from tab panels or slide panels that are not in front)
With no fields selected, press Shift (Windows) or Option (OS X) while choosing Edit menu > Copy.
Paste text from the Clipboard without formatting (like bold or italic)
Click the field you want to hold the text, then choose Edit menu > Paste Text Only.
Paste text from the Clipboard with formatting (like bold or italic)
Click the field you want to hold the text, then choose Edit menu > Paste.
You can copy values from any field type (number, text, and so on).
You can copy values from fields formatted as radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists, or pop-up menus.
When you paste data into a field formatted as radio buttons, checkboxes, a drop-down list, or a pop-up menu, the matching value is selected, replacing the entire contents of the selected field. When you paste a value that's not in the field's value list, the Other value is selected, if applicable.
When you copy a record, everything is copied except data in container fields. Data is copied in tab-delimited format, in the order the fields appear on the layout.
Text styles, like font, color and size, are copied and can be pasted into other applications.
Multilingual text can be copied and pasted into other applications.
When you copy all the records in the found set, records are separated by carriage returns.
When you copy a record containing repeating fields to the Clipboard, FileMaker Pro inserts the group separator character between each repetition. You can use most word processors to replace these characters with another delimiter such as a tab or space.
You can copy and paste the contents of individual cells in Table View. You can't copy and paste the contents of multiple cells, but you can copy the current record or found set to the Clipboard.
You can duplicate records to quickly add a record with the same or similar data. See Adding, duplicating, and deleting records.
You can drag information between fields, records, and applications. See Moving text and data with drag and drop.
Related topics 
Saving and copying files
Moving through records
Finding records