Set Variable Options dialog box
This dialog box appears so that you can specify a variable in the Set Variable script step to use in a script, calculation, or file path.
To specify a variable to use in a calculation:
Enter a value for the variable or click Specify to create a formula to calculate the value.
Enter a repetition number (optional) or click Specify to create a formula to calculate the repetition. The default is 1.
Name: $abc
Value: fieldName * 10
Repetition: 10
Set Variable [$abc[10]; Value: fieldName * 10]
Name: $$abc
Value: “xyz”
Repetition: 1
Set Variable [$$abc; Value: “xyz”]
Name: $CurrentUser
Value: Get(UserName)
Repetition: 1
Set Variable [$CurrentUser; Value: Get(UserName)]
Name: $$TaxRate
Value: 1 if the field City contains the value “San Francisco”, 2 if City is “New York”, 3 if City is “Miami”, 0 if it’s none of those values.
Repetition: 1
Set Variable [$$TaxRate; Value: Case ( City = “San Francisco” ; 1 ; City = “New York” ; 2 ; City = “Miami” ; 3 ; 0 )]
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Let function
Set Variable script step
Defining repeating fields