About validating data during importFor information on defining validation options for fields, see Defining field validation. Use the Always validation option to ensure that validation occurs during import.The following table describes when data validation failures cause a record or a field to be skipped.
A field is defined with either the Not empty or Validated by calculation field validation option, and the validation fails for a record during import.Note Unlike all other validation options, the Not empty or Validated by calculation options are evaluated when FileMaker Pro attempts to commit each record. Therefore, these types of validation failures cause the entire record to be skipped. (All the other field validation options are evaluated when FileMaker Pro attempts to commit each field.) Note A skipped field does not prevent other fields in the same record from being imported.
• Privilege errors: If access privileges prohibit modifying certain fields and records, then these fields and records are skipped during import.
• Locked records: If one or more records cannot be changed because they are being accessed elsewhere — either in another window by the same user or (if the file is shared) by other clients — then these records are skipped during import.