TextColorRGB(red;green;blue) - any integer from 0 to 16777215 obtained by combining the red, green, and blue values (each ranging from 0 to 255) to represent a colorTip To determine the RGB value of a color, in Layout mode, click the Fill color palette in the formatting bar and choose Other Color. In OS X, select the Color Sliders tab. Values are shown for each of the basic colors.TextColor(“Plaid”;RGB(255;0;0)) returns the word Plaid in red.TextColor(“Plaid”;RGB(0;255;0)) returns the word Plaid in green.TextColor(“Plaid”;RGB(0;0;255)) returns the word Plaid in blue.TextColor(“Plaid”;RGB(0;0;0)) returns the word Plaid in black.TextSize( TextFont( TextColor( MyTable::MyText; RGB( 0 ; 125 ; 125 ) ); "Courier" ) ; 12) returns the text contained in MyTable::MyText formatted as 12pt. green text with the Courier font.