FileMaker Pro allows you to import scripts from other FileMaker files. You can also copy and paste scripts between files. See
Copying and pasting scripts.
Many scripts refer to files, fields, layouts, records, and other scripts. In addition, some script steps, such as Set Field, Insert Calculated Result, Replace Field Contents, and so on, may have field references embedded in calculations. While these references may be valid in the original file, it is possible that they will be invalid in the file into which they are being imported.
When you import a script, FileMaker Pro attempts to map fields, layouts, tables (including those used in relationships), and so on based on their names. Fields and layouts are mapped using their fully qualified names, and these must match exactly or the reference will not be imported. If the referenced object cannot be found, FileMaker Pro flags it as missing. After importing a script you should edit the script to make sure that all references are valid and appear as intended.
If FileMaker Pro reports errors, follow the steps in Creating and editing scripts to correct the
<unknown> references in each script. During the script import, FileMaker Pro checks all references to fields, layouts, other scripts, files, and so on, in each imported script. References must match exactly to be included in the import. If a referenced object is not found, FileMaker Pro flags it as