Specify Fields (New Layout/Report assistant)
Select the fields that you want to include on the layout. The fields appear on the layout in the order you specify.
In Available fields, double-click the fields you want, in the order you want them to appear.
To choose a field from another table, first choose the table from the list of tables, and then choose the field. You can also create a new field or table by choosing Manage Database from the list of tables.
Remove fields you've already selected
In Layout fields, double-click the field you want to remove.
Change the order of the fields on the layout
In Fields shown on layout/report, drag the double-arrow next to the field name to a new position.
Notes and tips
To select more than one field name in the field lists, Shift-click to select contiguous fields. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) to select non-contiguous fields.
If you are creating a sorted report, include the fields you want to sort by. If you are creating a report with grouped data, include the break fields. Even if you don't want these fields to appear in the body of the report, FileMaker Pro needs them to structure the report correctly. If you get to a later panel and the field you want isn't available, click Back to return to this panel.
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