Organize Records by Category (New Layout/Report assistant)
On the Organize Records by Category panel, you select the break fields that you want to categorize your report by. For example, if you have sales data that you want to group by region, you would choose the Region field.
In Report categories, the order of the break fields determines the hierarchy, or nesting, of the categories. So, if you want to group sales data by region and then by city, you would choose the Region field first, and then the City field.
In Report fields, double-click the fields you want, in the order you want them used in the hierarchy. (Or select one or more fields, then click Move.)
Note  Only the fields you chose in the previous panel are available. If you need to add a field, click Back. The assistant saves your choices in this and all preceding panels.
In the Report categories list, select the checkboxes of the break fields you want to display in the body of the report.
In the Report categories list, clear the checkboxes next to the fields that you want to prevent from appearing in the body of the report.
Note  Data in the report will be grouped by all fields you include in the Report categories list, but non-selected fields will not appear in the report.
In Report categories, double-click the field you want to remove. (Or select one or more fields, then click Clear.)
Change the order of the break fields to change the hierarchy of the grouping
In Report categories, drag the double-arrow next to the field name to a new position.
As you change the number of break fields in Report categories, the image on the right changes to reflect your choices. The assistant displays the selected break fields in shades of blue to help you judge the hierarchy that you want.
FileMaker Pro automatically sorts your report by the fields you choose for report categories. (They are pre-selected in the Sort Records panel that you see next.)
Notes and tips
To select more than one field name in the field lists, Shift-click to select contiguous fields, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) to select non-contiguous fields.
If you chose to include subtotals (in the Create a Layout/Report panel), FileMaker Pro will subsummarize fields based on the report categories you choose in this panel. You will specify how the subsummaries work in the Specify Subtotals panel later in the assistant. (FileMaker Pro uses the term subsummary to include not only subtotals, but also averages, counts, and other summary data for a subset of records.)
For each break field you add, FileMaker Pro adds a subsummary part to the layout. After you finish with the assistant, you can modify characteristics like pagination and page numbering. For more information, see Changing a layout part.
Each break field appears before the group of records you're categorizing (in a leading subsummary part). You can set a break field to appear after the detail records by changing it to a trailing subsummary part. For more information, see Changing a layout part.
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Creating a layout