Selecting objects
To work with an object on a layout, select it in Layout mode. You see small squares, or handles, surrounding the selected objects.
Selected field
Selected text block
For information about selecting text, see Selecting a field in Browse mode or Find mode and Making text bold, italic, highlighted, or setting other styles. For information about selecting tab control objects, see Selecting and working with objects in tab panels.
To select one or more objects on a layout:
In Layout mode, click the Selection tool Selection tool in the status toolbar.
The pointer becomes an arrow pointer.
Drag the arrow pointer to make a selection box that includes the objects. The selection box does not have to completely surround the objects. To avoid including partially selected objects, press Ctrl (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) as you drag.
Choose Edit menu > Select All.
Select all objects of the same type, including objects in tab panels that are not in front (for example, all text objects or all rectangles)
Or, with the arrow pointer, click an object, press Shift (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and choose Edit menu > Select All (Windows) or Select Same (Mac OS).
With the arrow pointer, click a field, press Shift (Windows) or Option (Mac OS), and choose Edit menu > Select All (Windows) or Select Same (Mac OS).
With the arrow pointer, click the border of the portal, or any other area within the portal that doesn't contain a field or object.