Setting up a field to display a drop-down calendar
1. In Layout mode, select the field.
• Auto-complete using existing values (This option is only available for fields defined as text.)
4. To display a calendar icon in the field, select Include icon to show and hide calendar.
If this option is not set, the calendar is automatically displayed when the user enters the field. To allow the user to control whether the calendar displays or not, set this option.To view the drop-down calendar, select the field (or click the calendar icon) in Browse mode or Find mode.
• When the drop-down calendar (date picker) is displayed, it defaults to the current date if the field is empty or contains an invalid date.
• When you choose a date from a drop-down calendar, the date is inserted in the field using the current date format.
• To have the system suggest a value based on what the user has typed, select Auto-complete using previously entered values. For more information, see Setting up a field to auto-complete during data entry.