Sharing a FileMaker WebDirect custom app

To publish a FileMaker Pro custom app on the web as a FileMaker WebDirect custom app, use FileMaker Pro to determine which user accounts can have access to the custom app from a web browser, then upload the custom app to FileMaker Server or FileMaker Cloud.

Choosing which users have access to a custom app

For web users to open a FileMaker WebDirect custom app, each file must be configured to allow access to one or more privilege sets.

  1. Open the custom app in FileMaker Pro.

  2. Choose File menu > Sharing > Configure for FileMaker WebDirect.

  3. Choose the file to publish on the web.

  4. Choose which users can open the file with FileMaker WebDirect.

    Assigning access to files in the FileMaker WebDirect Settings dialog box changes the extended privilege settings in the associated user's privilege set. You can review and modify the extended privileges settings directly in the Manage Security dialog box. See FileMaker Pro Help.


    • If you change the FileMaker WebDirect access to file setting while users are signed in, those users do not lose their connections and can continue using the custom app until they sign out or their sessions time out.

    • For custom apps to appear on the Claris Customer Console Home page, they must have the fmwebdirect extended privilege enabled. See Opening custom apps in Claris Customer Console.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each custom app you want to publish.

    Tip: Select Don't display in host's file list if your custom app includes multiple files and you don't want all the filenames displayed.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Close the custom app.