Java security considerations

FileMaker Server and FileMaker Cloud require a minimum update of Java Runtime Environment (JRE). In FileMaker Cloud, the minimum version of Java is installed when you create your instance.

Because of changes to Java licensing, FileMaker Server no longer installs JRE, which is needed for using Custom Web Publishing and FileMaker WebDirect. To use these web-related services, you must install either OpenJDK or Oracle JRE. After enabling the Web Publishing Engine on the primary and each secondary machine in Admin Console, follow the onscreen instructions that appear. For details and installation steps, search for "JDK" in the Knowledge Base.

Check for Java security updates posted to the website. In addition, see the Knowledge Base article "FileMaker Server and Java," which lists the minimum version of Java that you should use with FileMaker Server. Before applying an update to Java on the machine where FileMaker Server is installed, review the information in this article. If you encounter issues after applying an update to Java, remove the update and revert to the minimum version of Java required by FileMaker Server.