Closes all open files; and in FileMaker Pro Advanced, exits the application.
Product | Supported |
FileMaker Pro Advanced | Yes |
FileMaker Go | Partial |
FileMaker WebDirect | Partial |
FileMaker Server | Yes |
FileMaker Cloud products | Yes |
FileMaker Data API | No |
Custom Web Publishing | No |
Runtime solution | Yes |
FileMaker Pro 6.0 or earlier
The Exit Application script step does the following in other FileMaker clients:
•In FileMaker WebDirect, logs out the current web session and returns you to the FileMaker WebDirect Launch Center.
•In FileMaker Go, closes all open databases and leaves FileMaker Go running.
Prevents the user from opening the database on a weekend. Started by the OnFirstWindowOpen script trigger.
Allow User Abort [Off]
If [DayName ( Get ( CurrentDate ) ) = "Saturday" or DayName ( Get ( CurrentDate ) ) = "Sunday"]
Exit Application
End If