Creating a custom app > Working with formulas and functions > Working with the JSON functions

Working with the JSON functions

FileMaker Pro Advanced provides several text functions that enable your solution to parse and modify JSON data from other sources, such as web services that transfer data in JSON format via a REST API.

For more information about the JSON data format, see

Retrieving JSON data from a web service

Use the Insert From URL script step to access a web service, specify parameters for the information to retrieve, send and receive HTTP headers, and store the results in a variable or a field.

For example, a bakery makes its product list available to clients in JSON format via a REST API. The following returns the list of today’s specials as JSON data in the $$JSON variable:

Set Variable [ $url ; "https://<bakery_domain_name>/rest/api/products" ]Insert from URL [ Verify SSL Certificates ; With dialog: Off; $$JSON ;
$url ; "--data list=specials" ]

For the data returned in $$JSON, see Example JSON data.

FileMaker Pro Advanced also provides several utility functions that handle the character encoding and cryptographic signing required by some REST APIs:

HexDecode function

HexEncode function

TextDecode function

TextEncode function

Base64Decode function

Base64EncodeRFC function

CryptAuthCode function

CryptDigest function

Formatting JSON data

JSON data doesn’t require spaces or line endings between elements. However, to make the data easier to read while you debug problems, use the JSONFormatElements function, which adds tabs and line ending characters, as shown in Example JSON data.

Parsing JSON data

Use the following JSON functions to parse JSON data—that is, to get keys, values, or entire JSON objects or arrays that you can process further:

JSONGetElement – Queries JSON data for an element (an object, array, or value)

JSONListKeys – Lists the object names (keys) or array indexes in JSON data

JSONListValues – Lists the values in JSON data

The first parameter of these functions, json, specifies the text field, variable, or text expression that contains valid JSON data to operate on.

The second parameter, keyOrIndexOrPath, specifies the portion of the JSON data to operate on:

key – the name of a key in a JSON object

index – the index of an element in a JSON array (the first element has an index of 0)

path – a hierarchical string of key names, array indexes, or both

The following syntax for the keyOrIndexOrPath parameter is supported.


keyOrIndexOrPath parameter



(optional) The root level, if it’s the first character


Elements at index n of an array at the root level


The key of an object named name at the root level


An object named nameC, which is a descendent of nameB and nameA


The first element of the array in the nameA object, which is at the third level in a set of nested arrays

The following example script determines the number of products in the Example JSON data (stored in the $$JSON variable) using JSONListKeys, creates a record for each product, then sets fields in each record to the values obtained using JSONGetElement for each product.

Set Variable [ $ProductCount ; Value:
   ValueCount (
      JSONListKeys ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product" )
   ) ]
Set Variable [ $i; Value: 0 ]
If [ $ProductCount > 0 ]
      New Record/Request
      Set Field [ Products::ID ;
         JSONGetElement ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product[" & $i & "]id" ) ]
      Set Field [ Products::Price ;
         JSONGetElement ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product[" & $i & "]price" ) ]
      Set Field [ Products::Stock ;
         JSONGetElement ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product[" & $i & "]stock" ) ]
      Commit Records/Requests [ With dialog: Off ]
      Set Variable [ $i ; Value: $i + 1 ]
      Exit Loop If [ $i $ProductCount ]
   End Loop
End If

Changing and adding JSON data elements

To change values and add elements in JSON data, use the JSONSetElement function. The json and keyOrIndexOrPath parameters work in this function as described in Parsing JSON data. If keyOrIndexOrPath specifies an existing element, the value of that element is changed; if the element doesn’t exist, a new element is added.

JSONSetElement sets the specified element to the value parameter. You can specify any valid JSON value, from a simple string or number to a complex object or array.

The type parameter specifies the type of data in value so that the JSON parser will follow strict rules when handling each data type. For the supported data types, see JSONSetElement function. To insert data into json that is already formatted as a valid JSON element, set type to JSONRaw.

The following example adds the key-value pairs for a new product to an empty JSON object. Then the new object is added at the end of the product array in the $$JSON variable (see Example JSON data).

Set Variable [ $NewProduct ; Value:
   JSONSetElement ( "{}" ;
      [ "id" ; "FB4" ; JSONString ] ;
      [ "name" ; "Vanilla Cake" ; JSONString ] ;
      [ "price" ; 17.5 ; JSONNumber ] ;
      [ "stock" ; 12 ; JSONNumber ] ;
      [ "category" ; "Cakes" ; JSONString ] ;
      [ "special" ; true ; JSONBoolean ]
   ) ]
Set Variable [ $NextIndex ; Value:
   ValueCount (
      JSONListKeys ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product" )
   ) ]
Set Variable [ $$JSON ; Value:
   JSONSetElement (
      $$JSON ; "bakery.product[" & $NextIndex & "]" ; $NewProduct ;
   ) ]

Deleting JSON data elements

To delete an element, use the JSONDeleteElement function. The json and keyOrIndexOrPath parameters work in this function as described in Parsing JSON data. The keyOrIndexOrPath parameter must specify an existing element in json.

The following example deletes the element in the product array whose "id" key has the value "FB3" in the $$JSON variable (see Example JSON data).

Set Variable [ $ProductCount ; Value:
   ValueCount (
      JSONListKeys ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product" )
   ) ]
Set Variable [ $i ; Value: 0 ]
If [ $ProductCount > 0 ]
      Set Variable [ $ID ; Value:
         JSONGetElement ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product[" & $i & "]id" ) ]
      If [ $ID = "FB3" ]
         Set Variable [ $$JSON ; Value:
            JSONDeleteElement ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product[" & $i & "]" ) ]
         Exit Script [ Text Result: 0 ]
      End If
      Set Variable [ $i ; Value: $i + 1 ]
      Exit Loop If [ $i $ProductCount ]
   End Loop
End If

Handling errors in JSON data

If an error occurs while parsing the json parameter, the JSON functions return "?" followed by an error message from the JSON parser.

For example, when the ":" after the "bakery" key is missing in Example JSON data, this calculation

JSONGetElement ( $$JSON ; "bakery.product[0]id" )

returns this error message:

? * Line 3, Column 2
  Missing ':' after object member name
* Line 13, Column 5
  Extra non-whitespace after JSON value.

To determine whether JSON data is valid before using it, use the JSONFormatElements function and test whether the first character is "?". For example:

Set Variable [ $result ; Value: JSONFormatElements ( $$JSON ) ]
If [ Left ( $result ; 1 ) = "?" ]
   # $$JSON contains invalid JSON data.
End If

Example JSON data

The following example JSON data contains a "bakery" object that has an array of three "product" objects, each with several key-value pairs.

"bakery" :
"product" :
"id" : "FB1",
"name" : "Donuts",
"price": 1.99,
"stock" : 43,
"category" : "Breads",
"special" : true
"id" : "FB2",
"price": 22.5,
"name" : "Chocolate Cake",
"stock" : 23,
"category" : "Cakes",
"special" : true
"id" : "FB3",
"price": 3.95,
"name" : "Baguette",
"stock" : 34,
"category" : "Breads",
"special" : true


The JSON parser preserves the order of elements in an array, but not the order of elements in an object. Therefore, the JSON functions may return elements in an object in a different order from the order specified.

Related topics 

Text functions

Container functions