Adding and viewing data > Adding, duplicating, and deleting records

Adding, duplicating, and deleting records

Important  You can't undo any of the following actions. Before you begin, consider making a backup copy of your database.



Do this in Browse mode

Add a record in the current table

Click New Record in the status toolbar.

Add a record in a related table

If the related field is in a portal, type data into the field in the last row of the portal, then commit the record (for example, by clicking anywhere outside the record or selecting another record).

If the related field isn't in a portal, type data into the field, then commit the record (for example, by clicking anywhere outside the record or selecting another record).

Duplicate a record in the current table

Select the record. Choose Records menu > Duplicate Record.

If the record displays related data in a portal, make sure no records are selected in a portal before duplicating the record.

Duplicate a related record in a portal

Select the related record in the portal (making sure the whole row is highlighted), then choose Records menu > Duplicate Record.

Delete one record

Select the record. (If your layout displays related records in a portal, select anything other than a portal row.) In the status toolbar, click Delete Record.

Delete a related record

Select a portal row by clicking inside the row but outside any fields in the row. Click Delete Record, then click Delete.

Delete a group of records

Make sure the found set contains only the records you want to delete. Choose Records menu > Delete Found Records.

Delete all records in a table

Click Show All, then choose Records menu > Delete All Records.


You can add related records from the current table only if the relationship has been defined to allow the creation of related records.

FileMaker Pro Advanced stores new records at the end of the table. If records are unsorted, the new record appears after the last record in the found set.

Related topics 

Working with related tables

Creating portals to display related records