Previewing and printing information > Printing table and field information
Printing table and field information
You can print field definition information for one or more tables or for one or more fields within a table.
To print field information for one or more tables:
1. Choose File menu > Manage > Database and click the Tables tab.
2. Select the table or tables you want to print:
To select one table, click the table name.
To select multiple tables, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (OS X) each table name.
To select a range of adjacent tables, click the first table name, and then Shift-click the last table name in the range.
3. Click Print.
4. Click OK (Windows) or Print (OS X).
FileMaker Pro prints the field names, field types, and formula/entry options for each table that you selected.
To print field information for certain fields in a table:
1. Choose File menu > Manage > Database and click the Fields tab.
2. Choose a table from the Table pop-up menu.
3. Select the field or fields you want to print.
To select one field, click the field name.
To select multiple fields, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (OS X) each field name.
To select a range of adjacent fields, click the first field name, and then Shift-click the last field name in the range.
4. Click Print.
5. Click OK (Windows) or Print (OS X).
FileMaker Pro prints the field names, field types, and formula/entry options for each field that you selected.
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