Using a reserved word or symbol for a field or table nameWhen you define tables, fields, and formulas, FileMaker Pro reserves the use of some words and symbols, including:
• The names of functions that have no arguments such as Pi or Random.
• Predefined parameters of some functions such as the Roman and Greek font scripts for the TextFont function.
• Some keywords and symbols. See About naming fields for some guidelines.If one of your field names or table names is a reserved word or contains reserved symbol, you must put the characters ${ } around the name when it appears in a function.Tip When you double-click to choose a field for a calculation, FileMaker Pro automatically wraps the characters ${ } around field names that are reserved words or that contain reserved symbols.${A + B} returns the contents of a field named A + B.${.123} returns the contents of a field named .123.${Pi} returns the contents of a field named Pi.Note During file conversion, FileMaker Pro uses the characters ${ } to enclose field names that conflict with reserved words and symbols.