About timestamp fieldsImportant To avoid confusion when using dates in FileMaker Pro, always use four-digit years. For information on how FileMaker Pro handles dates with two-digit years, see Conversion of dates with two-digit years.
• FileMaker Pro stores timestamps as the number of seconds since midnight on January 1, 0001. Therefore you can calculate timestamps before or after a given timestamp by subtracting or adding a number of seconds. For example, in a calculation field whose result is a timestamp, the following formula calculates the timestamp one day (60 seconds to a minute * 60 minutes to a hour * 24 hours to a day = 86400 seconds) after the value in a timestamps field named TimestampStarted:
• When you select Insert menu > Current Time in an active timestamp field, FileMaker Pro inserts the full current date and time.
• When you select Insert menu > Current Date in an active timestamp field, FileMaker Pro inserts the current date only.
• If you are using FileMaker Pro Advanced, you can copy field schemas from one file and paste them into the same file or some other file. See Copying and pasting field schemas (FileMaker Pro Advanced).