Specify Label Contents (New Layout/Report assistant)
In this panel of the New Layout/Report assistant, you place the fields and text you want to print on each label.
In Available fields, double-click each field you want, in the order you want them to appear. (Or, select one or more fields, then click Add Field.)
In Label contents, click to place the insertion point before the field you want to move (before the angle bracket delimiters <<). Then press Enter (Windows) or Return (OS X).
In Label contents, click where you want the text or punctuation, then type what you want.
In Label contents, select the field name and the delimiters (<< and >>), then press Backspace (Windows) or Delete (OS X).
Click Clear All.
Important  FileMaker Pro formats fields on a Labels layout as merge fields. Merge fields are enclosed by double angle brackets (<< and >>). Make sure to select these brackets along with the field name if you move or delete a field name on the layout. Don't insert punctuation or other text inside the brackets unless it's part of the field name.
Notes and tips
Related topics 
Creating a layout
Printing labels