Returns the specified attributes of the layout object given by objectName that is currently active in the calculation.
GetLayoutObjectAttribute(objectName;attributeName{;repetitionNumber; portalRowNumber})
objectName - the name of a named layout object on the current layout.
attributeName - the name of a supported attribute (see below).
repetitionNumber - the repetition number (for repeating fields).
portalRowNumber - the number of the row in the portal.
Note  Parameters in curly braces {} are optional.
Data type returned 
Originated in 
FileMaker Pro 8.5
objectType - returns the object's type as a text literal, in English. Valid return values are: field, text, graphic, line, rectangle, rounded rectangle, oval, group, button group, button, portal, tab panel, slide panel, chart, web viewer, popover, popover button, and unknown.
hasFocus - returns 1 (True) if objectName is currently active, otherwise returns 0 (False). Objects that can have the focus are fields, portals, tab panels, slide panels, buttons, popover buttons, charts, and groups. Also returns 1 for a portal when a portal row is selected.
containsFocus - returns 1 (True) if objectName is currently active or if it contains an active object; otherwise returns 0 (False). Objects that can contain the focus are fields, portals, tab panels, slide panels, buttons, popover buttons, popovers, charts, and groups.
isFrontPanel - returns 1 (True) if the target object is the tab or slide panel that is in front.
The following object coordinates are given in points relative to the bottom-left corner of the FileMaker menu bar:
bounds - returns a list of numeric values, separated by spaces, that describes the placement of the specified object (left-top to right-bottom).
left - returns the left edge coordinate of the specified object.
right - returns the right edge coordinate of the specified object.
top - returns the top edge coordinate of the specified object.
bottom - returns the bottom edge coordinate of the specified object.
width - returns a number representing the width (in points) of the specified object.
height - returns a number representing the height (in points) of the specified object.
rotation - returns a number representing the rotation (in degrees) of the specified object.
startPoint,endPoint - returns a pair of numeric values (horizontal vertical), separated by spaces, that represent the start point or end point of a line object. Other objects return the top-left point for startPoint and the bottom-right point for endPoint.
source - returns the source description of the specified object as follows. For:
web viewers - returns current URL.
fields - returns the fully qualified field name (table name::field name).
text objects - returns the text (does not return merge fields).
portals - returns the related table name.
graphics - returns image data such as the image filename.
charts - returns the XML description of a chart object.
For all other objects, returns an empty string.
content - returns the content of the specified object as follows. For:
web viewers - returns the current content (such as HTML code).
fields - returns the field data formatted using the specified object's properties.
text objects - returns the text (including text from merge fields).
graphics - returns image data such as the name of a file in a container field if the image is stored (in the field or externally), or the reference to the file if the image is unstored.
charts - returns the bitmap representation of a chart object.
For all other objects, returns an empty string.
enclosingObject - returns objectName of the enclosing layout object. Otherwise, returns an empty string. Only groups, tab panels, slide panels, popover buttons, popovers, and portals can contain other objects.
containedObjects - returns a list of named objects contained within objectName. Only groups, tab panels, slide panels, popover buttons, popovers, and portals can contain other objects.
isobjecthidden - returns 1 (True) if objectName is hidden for the current record. Otherwise, returns 0 (False). Returns 1 for objects other than popovers that are to the right of the layout boundary.
When repetitionNumber or portalRowNumber is 0, the function behaves as if the parameter was not specified. For portalRowNumber, the function returns data from the first portal row. For repetitionNumber, the function acts on the first repetition (for returning content or source) or acts on the entire field as a whole (for returning bounds). Both parameters are necessary because you must be able to reference a particular field repetition within a particular portal row.
GetLayoutObjectAttribute("CancelButton";"objectType") returns button (if the button was created in a new file or a file after it was converted), returns button group (if the button is associated with a button action or script and was converted in a file from a previous version of FileMaker Pro), or returns text (if the button isn’t associated with a button action or script and was converted in a file from a previous version of FileMaker Pro).
GetLayoutObjectAttribute("CancelButton";"bounds") returns 138 24 391 38 0.
Related topics 
Functions reference (category list)
Functions reference (alphabetical list)
About formulas
About functions
Defining calculation fields
Using operators in formulas
Naming objects