Using the Objects tab to work with objects

In Layout mode, use the Objects tab to view and work with all the objects that are on the current layout in their stacking order. For example, it may be easier to work with an object on a layout when you use the Objects tab to hide all other objects or overlapping objects temporarily.

To work with objects in the Objects tab:

  1. In Layout mode, choose the layout to work on from the Layout pop-up menu.
  2. Click Objects pane button in the status toolbar, then click Objects.
  3. To

    Do this

    Show or hide an object on the layout

    Click Show/hide button next to an object.

    Show all objects on the layout

    Click Show/hide button next to the search box.

    Show all objects of the same type in the list

    Click Show by type button, then choose an object type.

    To show all object types, choose All.

    Show only one or more objects on the layout

    Select the objects to show, then choose Hide All Other Objects from the shortcut menu.

    Hide any overlapping objects that are in front of the selected objects

    Select one or more objects, then choose Hide Objects in Front from the shortcut menu.

    Hide any overlapping objects that are in front or in back of the selected objects

    Select one or more objects, then choose Hide Objects in Front and Back from the shortcut menu.

    Change the stacking order

    Drag an object in the list to its new position in the stacking order.

    Specify the name of an object or a grouped object

    Select an object in the list, then choose Specify Object Name from the shortcut menu. (Or, select the object, then click the object again.) Type a name.

    Work with an object in a group without ungrouping

    Click the triangle next to the group name to expand the group, then select the object.

    Open or close object groups at once

    Windows: Control-click a group to open or close all top-level groups at once.

    macOS: Command-click a group to open or close all groups at once.

    Set script triggers for an object

    Select an object in the list, then choose Set Script Triggers from the shortcut menu.

    Define conditional formatting for an object

    Select an object in the list, then choose Conditional Formatting from the shortcut menu.

Identifying unnamed objects

If there is no name specified for an object, the Objects tab displays the following information:

For this object type

The list displays

Text, button, button bar segment, popover, or tab panel

Any existing text enclosed in quotation marks—for example, "NewButton".

A calculation for an object as Calculation.

When there’s no text or calculation, the object type—for example, Button.


The control style followed by the field name—for example, Edit Box (Last Name).

A related field as the control style followed by the related field name—for example, Edit Box (::Country).


Portal followed by the table name—for example, Portal (Customers).


  • Hiding objects applies only to Layout mode.
  • Hidden objects stay hidden after you exit and reenter Layout mode, but are visible after you close and reopen FileMaker Pro.
  • You can’t specify a name for slide control and tab control objects, but you can specify a name for panels within these objects.
  • You can’t use the Objects tab to hide or reorder panels in a slide control or tab control. See Changing a tab control and Changing a slide control.
  • If a button definition is attached to an object or a group of objects, the button is displayed as a grouped button.
  • You can show or hide a popover button but not the associated popover.