
Returns the name of the FileMaker user, as specified in the General tab of the Preferences dialog box.


Get ( UserName )



Data type returned 


Originated in version 

6.0 or earlier


For each type of FileMaker client, this function returns the following:

For client Returns
FileMaker Pro the user name specified by the user in Preferences (see Setting general preferences)
FileMaker Go the user name specified by the user in the Settings menu
FileMaker WebDirect the value [WebDirect-<xxxxx>], where <xxxxx> is the last five digits of the current persistent ID (see the Get(PersistentID) function)
FileMaker Script Engine (server-side scripts)
  • the schedule name, if the script is run by a schedule

  • <script name> - <account name> <x>, where <x> is the number of scripts run since the FileMaker Script Engine was started

FileMaker Data API,
Custom Web Publishing,
the account name used to authenticate

Important  For greater security, use the Get(AccountName) function to track and manage user access: a user cannot change the account name used to log in to a database file.

Example 1 

Returns Sharon Lloyd when Sharon Lloyd is the current user. For an example script, see Add Account (FileMaker Pro only) script step.