Returns a number representing the type of computer or mobile device running the FileMaker product.
Get ( Device )
Data type returned
Originated in version
This function returns a number indicating one of the following:
- the type of computer or mobile device currently running FileMaker Pro or FileMaker WebDirect
- the type of iOS or iPadOS device currently running FileMaker Go
- the type of computer currently running FileMaker Server or FileMaker Cloud when this function is evaluated on a FileMaker host.
- 0 for an unknown device
- 1 for a Mac
- 2 for a computer running Windows
- 3 for iPad
- 4 for iPhone
- 5 for Android
- 6 for a computer running Linux
Example 1
Returns 2 if FileMaker Pro or FileMaker WebDirect is currently running on a computer with Windows.
Returns 3 if FileMaker Go or FileMaker WebDirect is currently running on iPad.
Returns 6 via FileMaker Data API if the FileMaker host is running Linux.
For an example script, see AVPlayer Play script step.