
Returns information about fieldName.


FieldType ( fileName ; fieldName )


fileName - the name of an open database file (local or remote).

fieldName - the name of a field in the specified database file.

Data type returned 


Originated in version 

6.0 or earlier


Field names must be in the format tablename::fieldname to specify a field that exists in a table different from the current table. The result has four values separated by spaces:

  • The first value is either Standard, StoredCalc, Summary, UnstoredCalc, External(Secure), External(Open), or Global.
  • The second value is the field type: text, number, date, time, timestamp, or container.
  • The third value is Indexed or Unindexed.
  • The fourth value is the maximum number of repetitions defined for the field (if the field isn’t defined as a repeating field, this value is 1).

Example 1 

FieldType ( "Customers" ; "Phone Number" ) returns Standard Text Unindexed 3 when, in the Customers database file, the Phone Number field is defined as a text field that repeats a maximum of three times and the storage options are left unchanged. (Most fields are indexed when a find is performed in that field.)

Example 2 

FieldType ( "Customers" ; "Current Balance" ) returns StoredCalc Number Indexed 1 when, in the Customers database file, the Current Balance field is defined as a stored, numeric calculation field that is indexed.

Example 3 

FieldType ( "Customers" ; "Today’s Date" ) returns Global Date Unindexed 1 when, in the Customers database file, the Today’s Date field is defined as a global field of type date. Global fields are never indexed.

Example 4 

FieldType ( "Customers" ; "Statement" ) returns External(Secure) Container Unindexed 1 when, in the Customers database file, the Statement field is defined as a container field that stores data externally using secure storage. Container fields cannot be indexed.