Converting FileMaker Pro files to Claris Pro files (Claris Pro only)

Files created by the current FileMaker Pro version, and all versions of FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Advanced since FileMaker Pro 12, are in the same file format and have the filename extension, .fmp12. Files in this format can't be used by Claris clients and hosts, but Claris Pro can convert them to the Claris Pro format (.claris).

When you convert files:

  • You can only convert files created in FileMaker Pro version 12.x, 13.x, 14.x, 15.x, 16.x, 17.x, 18.x, and 19.x to the Claris Pro format. After conversion, files will only be compatible with Claris Pro. The contents of the original files are not modified, and you can open them in the version of FileMaker Pro that created them.

  • For the FileMaker Pro file you want to convert, you must have the account name and password for a FileMaker file account that has the Full Access privilege set.

  • Claris Pro hides all existing account access entries (they're still present but can't be used) and adds the Claris ID account of the current user with full access privileges. If you plan to share this file on a Claris host with other users, you'll need to add their Claris ID accounts or enable the Default account in the Manage Security dialog box and assign privilege sets as needed. See Editing Claris ID account access (Claris Pro only) and About the creator's account and Default account (Claris Pro only).

  • Claris Pro creates a Conversion.log file, so you can view the conversion status and any problems that may have occurred during the conversion process.

  • Best practice: You should test the converted file. The Conversion.log file may not indicate every item in the file that needs to be corrected. Before you begin using a converted file, you should test it thoroughly to make sure every aspect has converted successfully. For example, make sure every script works as you expect, and—after you add Claris ID account access for all users—make sure that accounts and privilege sets provide the required file security.

    Manual corrections may be necessary. You might need to correct or re-create items in the converted file that did not convert properly. In some cases, you may need to correct items in the original file and then convert the file again. After you convert any file, you should review the Conversion.log file for items that may need to be corrected.

Next steps

For specific instructions, see Converting single or multiple files.

For more information about what Claris Pro does when it converts a file, see "Convert your FileMaker apps to Claris apps" in Claris Studio Help Center.


  • If you need to convert files created in FileMaker Pro 11 and earlier to the Claris Pro format, you must first use FileMaker Pro to convert them to the FileMaker Pro 12 format (see Converting files from FileMaker Pro 11 and earlier (FileMaker Pro only)). Then use Claris Pro to convert them to Claris Pro format.

  • Snapshot links cannot be converted. You must convert the database from which the records were found and then re-create the snapshot link.